These Soul Scopes are created through intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology with the loving intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads these messages.

Read your Ascendant (Rising) sign for deeper insight.


Aries (Seven of Gabriel)
This week is all about deciding where to focus your energy. Use your wisdom to know what you can commit to and what you need to leave for another day. Sometimes itโ€™s best to run with things that have momentum, rather than pushing through. Delays are opportunities to evaluate and refine to make it better. This week is also about your ability to move through a situation which has diminished your power. Back yourself and donโ€™t be afraid to blaze your own trail, without concern for what others think you should do. You have the courage and perseverance to stand up for your convictions and make up your own mind this week. There is no room for doubt. It is time to claim your personal power. Walk your own path with confidence and belief in yourself. Take back your power!

Taurus (The Moon)
There is more than meets the eye with a situation this week. Things are not clear so you will need to gather more information and process it through an intuitive lens to gain clarity. Decisions made in haste without having all the facts will only create further problems. You are also invited to sit with your light and shadow this week too. We all have both aspects and this is what makes us human! If you are going deeper into shadow work, invoke Archangel Haniel to help you to process emotions and past life wounds which may be contributing to your current experience. What you are scared of the most is actually where your greatest power lies. Trust that your true nature and intuition will illuminate a safe path through all experiences this week. Be comfortable in the grey, trusting in the power of your emotional body to communicate deep truth.

Gemini (Nine of Michael)
You may experience fear, worry or anxiety this week. This is something you believe is out of your control and your thoughts have become obsessive about finding a way out. You are encouraged to project your thoughts toward the outcome that is for your best and highest good. You must do all you can in a situation then surrender to the higher power to work out the details of when and how it will be resolved. When you do this, you step into universal flow and allow things to unfold as they need to โ€“ this removes the need to do head miles over things you canโ€™t control. Be open to receiving guidance and healing from Archangel Michael about this situation, and take particular note of your dreams as there are Divine messages being presented to you as potential solutions. Once you shift into a spiritual perspective you will feel calmer in the knowledge that the universe is always working for you, never against.

Cancer (Justice)
This week you will come to understand the power of cause and effect. Are you living in cause (accepting responsibility for your life) or effect (victim hood). Archangel Raguel is coming in close to you this week to reassure you he is working to achieve the highest outcome for all in a given situation. You may believe you have been wronged or treated unfairly, but there is another side of the story too. The truth is the balancing factor between the two and you will know what the fairest outcome is when you merge your head and heart. Doing the right thing, especially when it affects others, is not easy. Ultimately, taking the solid, middle path is the fairest outcome once you acknowledge your part and can see how it has affected others, or why people have behaved in a certain way. Archangel Raguel, the angel of harmony brings peace to put a challenging situation behind you. When you say and do the right thing you can be assured that everything will be resolved to everyoneโ€™s highest good, especially yours.

Leo (The Sun)
This is one of your astrology cards in the Tarot, Leo, representing your signโ€™s ruler. Just like the Sun, you are filled with optimism and joy this week which provides you with a strong sense of confidence and life force energy. Archangel Uriel is guiding you to own your power and shine your light with magnificence. Allow your warmth to bring positivity and confidence to others too. You may feel strong enough to address a situation that has been dimming your light for some time. Embrace your divinity and allow the sun to warm up those places within you that you have kept hidden. Illumination will be brought to an uncertain situation this week, bringing new growth and opportunities. Maintain a positive outlook and you will experience the universal flow of perfect timing, synchronicity and helpful people. Connecting with your inner child is important for creative play and joyful experiences. It is all about you this week. Bask in your own glorious light!

Virgo (Eight of Gabriel)
You are extremely motivated to take action on all your ideas and creative plans this week! Youโ€™ll need your wits about you to make sure you donโ€™t miss out on opportunities too. The good news is that delays are over and your plans move into high gear. This is a fertile time to put energy into creative projects and those pursuits you are deeply passionate about as you are set to achieve many things this week. While the pace may seem frenetic, you will feel exhilarated by the progress you make. Be sure not to lose yourself in all of the activity and work with your energy levels. Keeping the big picture in mind will maintain your motivation and focus. This is a time of making things happen. Each step builds confidence!

Libra (Seven of Michael)
The truth of a situation or person is revealed to you this week and you may need to review a course of action as a result. Take note of thoughts that come to you in quiet moments as these hold divinely guided solutions to redirect you. The path you take may be different from what you anticipated, but it is the outcome that will bring you peace of mind. Also, speaking your truth will attract new allies this week and has the potential to break open a situation that is dense with egoic energy and lack of integrity. Trust that the truth will always move you in the best direction, even if it causes discomfort initially. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt this week will prove beneficial to both parties. This is not the time for hasty decisions, practice strategic patience until further information comes to hand. Welcome the freedom that truth brings.

Scorpio (Divine Guidance)
This week is all about connecting with groups of like-hearted and like-minded people who enrich your soul and make you feel truly accepted and held. Words of wisdom are welcomed from trusted mentors, friends and advisers and will assist you to view a situation from a higher perspective. Not everyone will share the same beliefs as you, so it will be important this week to find common ground rather than slip into judgement and separation. Archangel Sandalphon is guiding you toward understanding the diverse lenses through which we all view the world and respecting different belief systems. If you feel the need to join a spiritual or other interest group, follow your intuition as you are being guided toward your soul tribe. Align your energy and interests with your own beliefs as this is where your life takes on deeper meaning. You may step up into a mentoring role this week. Have faith in your faith, and your wisdom.

Sagittarius (Knight of Raphael)

You will experience the exhilarating highs of love this week and someone may make your heart flutter. Knight energy can be extreme though, so make time to meditate and/or connect with nature to remain grounded. Sometimes even the lows of romantic love can be exquisitely nurturing because they trigger a return to self. An invitation to a social event could lift your mood and if you are single, you could meet someone with romantic potential. Say yes! If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall in love all over again. It is also important to acknowledge and honour your emotional spectrum this week. Allow your heart to operate only from love and see each person and situation as perfect, who they really are underneath the facade. Someone who is passionate, romantic and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces!

Capricorn (Leap of Faith)
This is the week to believe in yourself and connect with your path in life, your soulโ€™s purpose. You are on the precipice of something truly amazing, an adventure that you have always dreamed of but may have been resisting. You know this journey will have its ups and downs, but you must have faith that you will learn and grow through this process in ways that will surprise and delight you. All you need to do is take the first step. Listen to your heart and you will know which step to take and when to take it. Donโ€™t wait for everything to be perfect, your intuitive stirrings are completely trustworthy. The next step will be revealed at the perfect time. Archangel Metatron, the custodian of the crystalline sacred geometry template for an awakened earth, is by your side, providing focus and inspiration. Enjoy the sacred journey confident in the knowledge that the universe always has your back. It is your time to awaken. Take the leap. What are you waiting for?!

Aquarius (Five of Ariel)
There is a need to put practical measures in place to address a financial, work or health matter this week. If you have been trying to resolve an issue on your own, it may be time to seek assistance. Donโ€™t be too proud to ask for help. Once you turn your energy to focusing on a solution that involves assistance from others, including your angels, your situation will improve. Call in Archangel Ariel to help raise your vibration to the energy of hope and optimism, and lead you to the right people. Your health is a priority this week and you are being called to look deeper into the patterns and emotions which underlie a physical issue. Intuitive counselling and energy healing may assist. Remember that in addition to support from people, you have a team of guardian angels and guides who are ready to assist on a spiritual level. Itโ€™s time to accept that you canโ€™t do this on your own. Reach out this week and allow help from others to enrich you. What you need to be healthy and happy is within reach!

Pisces (The Emperor)
Getting organised and bringing structure to your vision and goals defines your week and sets you up for momentum into the future. Discipline and commitment are your greatest attributes this week, as are planning and forecasting. Any steps you take will set you up for success, no matter how small. Archangels Michael and Uriel are ready to assist you to access divine wisdom and harness all all of your life experience to guide your decisions and actions. Strategic thinking and efficient action are required and by the end of the week you will feel very satisfied with your accomplishments. Sharing your wisdom and experience with others also brings you deep satisfaction. A plan comes together as you align thinking and action toward a long-term strategy. You can handle anything that comes your way with composure and dignity. Be the leader you always wanted others to be.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead!

Love Marion xxx


Weekly Soul Scopes 6-12 September 2021