These Soul Scopes are created through intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology with the loving intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads these messages.

Read your Ascendant (Rising) sign for deeper insight.


Aries (Peace)
It is time to move on from a person or situation that you know is a drain on your energy and emotions. This week you are supported in releasing this situation in order to make space for new people, experiences and Divine guidance to enter so that you can transform your life and truly shine. Letting go can be challenging, so you will need to practice self-care to ensure you can process your unexpressed emotions and their physical manifestation. Take time out to grieve any loss so that you can fully release the situation, person or attitude from your life. Call upon Archangel Azrael to guide and support you during this process and get professional, holistic help if you feel overwhelmed. You will be taken out of your comfort zone and it is best not to fight it because on the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary for spiritual growth.

Taurus (Six of Raphael)
You may feel nostalgic this week as you find yourself in situations that evoke memories from your past or childhood. Someone from your past may re-enter your life or make contact. They have come back for a reason – to bring awareness of an emotional issue involving self-love that needs to be resolved. This could also be someone from a past life with whom you have felt a magnetic attraction or connection. They are part of your soul family and have appeared to provide you with a valuable life lesson, or provide support. It is also time to get back in touch with your inner child as the angels can see that you need to enjoy more fun, innocence and playful experiences in your life. You are likely to meet new people who you feel safe connecting with on an emotional level. Children are significant to your emotional well-being this week too. Enjoy the feeling of reconnecting with old friends and embracing new ones into your life. Playful activities restore your emotional balance.

Gemini (Three of Raphael)
There will be something to celebrate that brings you emotional happiness and connection with those you love and cherish. If you’ve been working too hard, this is the time to reach out and connect with others and prioritise friendships and close connections. Find enjoyment in social connections – even those with whom you work. Taking the time to connect with colleagues on a personal level will strengthen your professional relationships and increase productivity. The clear message this week is to experience fun with others, even if you can only do so virtually! Close friendships which provide you with emotional comfort and a sense of belonging are important this week. You may also discover a new soul family connection too. How wonderful! Revel in the emotional nourishment of friends who celebrate you!

Cancer (The Magician)
You attract synchronicities, fortuitous timing and magical energy this week! You have the ability and resources to manifest all you want and need and your clear psychic knowing is extremely powerful. If you think it this week, be prepared for instant materialisation! If you have been procrastinating starting a new project, this is the week to kick start it again as successful beginnings are indicated, particularly with ventures connected to your life purpose. Archangel Raziel is ready to assist with motivation and decisive action. You already have everything you need, just start where you are with what you know and watch the magical next steps unfold. Let go of outcomes and allow the universe to work its exquisite timing. What you need may magically appear this week so amp up your communication to the cosmos and allow the flow of Divine timing. Something you were worried about may turn out better then you imagined. Dream. Think. Feel. Expect!

Leo (Divine Guidance)
This week is all about connecting with groups of like-hearted and like-minded people who enrich your soul and make you feel truly accepted and held. Words of wisdom are welcomed from trusted mentors, friends and advisers and will assist you to view a situation from a higher perspective. Not everyone will share the same beliefs as you, so it will be important this week to find common ground rather than slip into judgement and separation. Archangel Sandalphon is guiding you toward understanding the diverse lenses through which we all view the world and respecting different belief systems. If you feel the need to join a spiritual or other interest group, follow your intuition as you are being guided toward your soul tribe. Align your energy and interests with your own beliefs as this is where your life takes on deeper meaning. You may step up into a mentoring role this week. Have faith in your faith, and your wisdom.

Virgo (Queen of Gabriel)
Express your passion, creativity and boldness this week. Leave doubt and insecurity behind. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Throw in a splash of cheekiness and playfulness in your intimate relationships too! Others will find your enthusiasm irresistible and will want to spend time in your energy. Your creativity is amplified this week, so if there is a hobby or interest you have been meaning to do for a while, this is the week to pour energy into it and possibly even grow it into a full blown business venture. This will energise your spirit and align you with your divine purpose and path in life. Someone passionate, independent, warm and spontaneous may be significant – an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. You can accomplish anything this week – go after what you want. Your creativity and problem-solving skills are genius!

Libra (The World)
This week is a time to reset and embrace a new cycle of growth and personal power. What do you need to do, or let go, to take your life to the next level? You can start this new cycle with optimism knowing that all you have learned about yourself and the world will allow you to build from a solid foundation and new level of awareness. You know yourself on a deeper level and understand your unique place in the world better than ever. Ask Archangel Michael to cleanse and purify your energy and open your vision to new possibilities in all areas of your life. The universe will surprise you in the most delightful way when you take action to align with your highest aspect. Pursue what you know you deserve by actioning those soul whispers. Invest in your spiritual growth and leave limitations behind. What served you in the past is no longer needed. Embrace your spiritual power!

Scorpio (Queen of Raphael)
Caring for others is highlighted this week as your emotional cup is overflowing! Your kindness. patience and compassion, even under trying circumstances, is your super power. Family and your close, inner circle are paramount to your emotional wellbeing as they truly accept you as you are and provide unconditional love. Trusting your intuition, about people and situations, provides you with the confidence to speak from your heart and the courage to do the right thing in all circumstances. Sharing time with loved ones is a gift of joy. Your relationships develop to a new level of understanding, based on words and actions which emanate from a pure heart space. Tell people what they mean to you. Someone kind, understanding, generous and intuitive may also be significant to you – most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Your psychic feelings are in tune this week.

Sagittarius (Ace of Ariel)
Abundance flows to you this week in the form of money, time, energy or support. This is the ideal week to begin a new venture which is aligned to a higher purpose and provides an income. A new job or promotion is also indicated, as is being in the spotlight for your work. A new regime or approach to your physical health is also supported this week. It is also an ideal time to make an investment, so be open to any signs that stand out to you as this is Divine guidance opening your eyes to new streams of financial abundance. Putting practical measures in place to set yourself up for financial freedom and peace are your priority this week. They don’t have to be major changes, just do something that your future self will thank you for. This will help to reset your abundance mindset and prove that action is a key part of manifestation. Luck is with you!

Capricorn (New Beginnings)
You are on the threshold of a new cycle in your life, so you may be feeling a bit out of sorts while you process and let go of the old to allow new energy to enter. Compassionately review and evaluate your past experiences so you can take forward the lessons and apply them in the next phase. Reflection and self- forgiveness are required. It is time to rejoice in all of the experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today. You have learned so much about yourself and developed a deeper understanding of the perfectly imperfect duality of the human condition. This self-acceptance and life experience enhances your confidence and you now feel ready to move ahead in the next phase of your spiritual journey. This week you are supported to pursue or extend your life’s true purpose. Listen to those whispers from the universe guiding you toward your path. Archangels Michael and Jeremiel can help with identifying your life purpose and clearing the path so that you can pursue it with commitment and confidence. New beginnings!

Aquarius (Strength)
This week you will need to draw on your reserves of resilience. Emotional and mental strength will be significant in personal and professional relationships. Approach challenges with compassion, kindness and self-confidence instead of trying to force a resolution. Allow things to unfold with patience. If conflicts arise, maintain your dignity by avoiding over-reaction and taking a higher perspective. This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to resolve tensions in a healthy and loving way. Don’t allow pride to create barriers, reach out and make the first move toward reconciliation. What you show to others will be returned in kind and people will naturally connect with your authenticity. Β Forgiving others and yourself will create a state of inner peace that will imbue all of your interactions this week. You are stronger than you think!

Pisces (The High Priestess)
It is important to pay attention to your intuition this week as you will receive powerful psychic insights. Take the time to consider your feelings about situations and people and allow your intuitive senses to guide you in all circumstances – if it feels right, trust it. Ask for guidance from Archangel Haniel to assist you in reaching an intuitive decision about a course of action and have full trust that you will always be guided to what you need at the right time. Your passed loved ones are close to you at this time and you may receive visitation through meditation or dreams this week to let you know they are close, through familiar feelings or scents. Reflection and meditation are essential to re-set your internal compass and connect with your psychic self this week. You can completely trust the Divine messages you receive when you create sacred space for connection to universal truth. Intuition trumps logic this week.

Wishing you a deeply connected week ahead!

Love Marion



Weekly Soul Scopes 27 Sep to 3 Oct 2021