These Soul Scopes are created through intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology with the loving intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads these messages.

Read your Ascendant (Rising) sign for deeper insight.


Aries (Decision)
You are being guided to address an unhealthy habit or attachment that is holding you back from the life you know you deserve. What coping mechanism do you have when you are stressed or anxious? Free yourself from this situation by going conscious. Go deeper into the emotion driving the thought that you need whatever your unhealthy habit is. Sit with it and get a sense of its origin, what triggered the pattern, and the story you have told yourself as a result. Re-write the story around it. Reach out for professional help and healing to break the cycle, if you need. The angels advise that a range of measures which address the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your life are required to heal this situation. Allow Archangel Jophiel to support you as you transform the unconscious aspects of your personality to better serve your soulโ€™s expression in this life. Freedom awaits!

Taurus (Eight of Gabriel)
You are extremely motivated to take action on all your ideas and creative plans this week! Youโ€™ll need your wits about you to make sure you donโ€™t miss out on opportunities too. The good news is that delays are over and your plans move into high gear. This is a fertile time to put energy into creative projects and those pursuits you are deeply passionate about as you are set to achieve many things this week. While the pace may seem frenetic, you will feel exhilarated by the progress you make. Be sure not to lose yourself in all of the activity and work with your energy levels. Keeping the big picture in mind will maintain your motivation and focus. This is a time of making things happen. Each step builds confidence!

Gemini (Ten of Ariel)
Youโ€™ll feel extremely blessed this week as you experience a very happy home life with positive energy around health and finances. Invest in areas that bring you a sense of security and belonging. Also, donโ€™t wait for retirement to begin living. Sure, make a plan for your future, but not at the expense of joy in the present. This is the perfect time to work on your hobbies and interests outside of work, and perhaps turn them into a viable career or side business. Perhaps you will use your practical skills and knowledge to help others in your family or community. In relationships, you are about to be rewarded for all of the effort and energy you have put into them. If you are considering starting a family business, material and spiritual rewards are indicated. With all this optimism, stability and abundance, there is so much to be grateful for. Give yourself permission to feel happiness now!

Cancer (Knight of Raphael)
You will experience the exhilarating highs of love this week and someone may make your heart flutter. Knight energy can be extreme though, so make time to meditate and/or connect with nature to remain grounded. Sometimes even the lows of romantic love can be exquisitely nurturing because they trigger a return to self. An invitation to a social event could lift your mood and if you are single, you could meet someone with romantic potential. Say yes! If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall in love all over again. It is also important to acknowledge and honour your emotional spectrum this week. Allow your heart to operate only from love and see each person and situation as perfect, who they really are underneath the facade. Someone who is passionate, romantic and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces!

Leo (Knight of Gabriel)
You are full of motivation and will have the energy to accomplish a significant task this week, especially if it involves a passion, cause or innate calling. Temper your enthusiasm and confidence with wisdom to ensure your energy is directed in a focused manner. An impatient approach blocks the flow of divine timing, so if you must act swiftly, be sure that your intentions are pure. Fortunately, your instincts are honed for positive action and your energy will be poured into a cause or activity which inspires you on your spiritual path. Stop all the thinking and over-analysing, youโ€™ve done enough of that and it is now time to take action. Trust your instincts to get the ball rolling on that project that has been on simmer for a while. Progress it through further action this week, however small, and rude with flashes of inspiration and creativity. Someone passionate, adventurous, fearless and restless may be significant to you this week โ€“ an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. They may come along at just the right time to help you achieve a goal!

Virgo (Two of Ariel)
There are many tasks to juggle this week, so your best approach is to focus on the highest priority ones and leave the rest to others, or another time. Planning ahead and being realistic about what you can achieve this week are critical to your success. You may find decisions are best made outside of work, so try a more creative approach to getting things done and allow the ah-ha moments to naturally bubble up into your heart and mind. Take yourself out in nature or move your body in some way with playful activities, which heighten your intuitive receptivity. Donโ€™t try to force things this week. Fun increases productivity, keeps you in flow and boosts your health so change it up when youโ€™re feeling creatively stifled and allow the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place synchronistically. Divine timing!

Libra (Four of Gabriel)
Your hard work pays off this week and provides you with deep feelings of satisfaction with how your life is evolving. Connection to your higher self and confidence in divine guidance are strong this week and you may experience prophetic visions. You are laying foundations and creating stability in your life, especially around activities relating to your life purpose. Successful completion of a project is indicated and may pay off in material and spiritual ways this week too. Home matters are also highlighted such as celebrating a milestone in a relationship, business partnership or creative endeavour. If you have been thinking about taking a relationship to the next level, this week is the perfect time to plan and take action towards making it happen. Celebrate your progress and achievements and build on them. Stable foundations are set through creative action and social connection this week. Co-create joyful experiences with the universe!

Scorpio (Three of Ariel)
Success is yours this week with good planning and hard work, especially if this energy is focused on developing new skills and talents and honing existing ones. This is a time of significant growth in your career, in particular turning a hobby or interest into something that can be soulfully and financially rewarding. You can confidently draw on your skills, knowledge and attributes to bring people together and solve problems. The power of creativity and teamwork is magical this week. Your work provides you with a genuine sense of accomplishment and you realise it is possible to derive financial prosperity from doing what you love. This week is also an ideal time to action those creative projects which have been bubbling away in your mind. Get to it!

Sagittarius (The Empress)
Anything you nurture and give your loving attention to will flourish this week. This is also a time of healing through creative expression. Grounding and connecting with Mother Earth revitalises you this week and helps you to feel more connected to your psychic senses. This is a week where you need to work intimately with the feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing. Not driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to permeate all of your activities and decisions. If you are thinking about directing your intuition in a professional way, this week is ideal for you to commence your own business, especially if it involves women or working with divine feminine energy. Birth and pregnancy are also significant to you this week, literally or figuratively. Activating your sacral chakra through creative play will boost your intimate relationships and sensuality. Let go of inhibitions and have fun!

Capricorn (Five of Michael)
A situation may not have worked out the way you hoped and you now have a decision to make about how, or if, you will proceed, especially as it appears that someone has not conducted themselves from a pure heart space. Ego has caused someone to act selfishly, so now you must decide if you can find a win-win situation or completely let it go. Take stock of the situation from a logical point of view. If the cost of continuing is too high, because you donโ€™t believe the other person will take responsibility for their words or actions, you are better to take the lessons and move on. Letting go of situations that dim your light or pull you into lower vibrational energy is necessary to relieve mental stress this week. You will know the right moment to do this. Ask Archangel Michael to assist with cutting energetic cords and helping you to feel more at peace with your decisions. Trust yourself first.

Aquarius (Ten of Gabriel)
You are so capable that you have taken on too much and may be feeling burdened with all the work you have to get through. Your only task this week is to focus on what truly matters and leave the rest to others. Sometimes we believe it is best for us to do the work ourselves as we know that the job will be done right, but this can result in stress that can have a negative impact on our health. This is a lesson in delegation and trust. Ask for and accept help from others in order to let go of unnecessary tasks, restore balance to your life and preserve your energy. Ask Archangel Gabriel to send you helpful people to get everything done. If youโ€™re trying too hard to please others, setting boundaries will be important this week. Itโ€™s healthy to say no sometimes. Life is meant to be joyful, not a struggle. Lighten your load without guilt or remorse. This will be empowering not only to you, but others as well.

Pisces (Knight of Michael)
This week plans take off quickly and you are fuelled by intellectual pursuits and ingenious solutions. You have the ability to think on your feet and make confident decisions which will come in handy as an unexpected situation may arise this week and you will need to be decisive. Donโ€™t be pressured into an impulsive decision, gather as much information as you can in the time you have and use your rational brain to make your choice. Logic prevails over emotion this week. Be alert to any red flags in relationships this week and communicate any concerns immediately so you can make informed decisions. Someone strong, focussed, committed and educated may be significant to you this week โ€“ a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Adaptability is required this week to capitalise on ideas. Take regular breaks, though, to ensure you donโ€™t mentally burn out. Use humour and wit to break through tense or awkward situations.

Wishing you a playful week!


Marion xxx

Weekly Soul Scopes 12-18 July 2021