These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Three of Wands)
This week you are imagining possible futures and charging your plans with spiritual energy and vigour. Do not passively wait for things to happen, rather take the next step toward achieving the long-term vision for your life. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy, is surely the path you must take. This week you can take calculated risks in order to succeed, believe in your power and purpose. The universe will provide all that you need while you pursue your life’s purpose, or take that step into the unknown. Be confident that you are guided and protected on this journey by your team in spirit. Dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned! Trust your instincts and take guided action. Be brave and bold this week and take action toward bringing a dream to fruition. This is the end of procrastination, it’s time!

Taurus (Four of Cups)
You may feel disillusioned that something didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. Instead of wallowing in this emotion, focus on the wonderful life you have rather than what you think you don’t have. The universe has a higher plan and you’re only feeling down because you didn’t trust in the higher plan and attached your mind and heart to a particular outcome. If you want more for your life, that’s great, start from a point of being happy with where you are and be grateful for every person and experience that has shaped you. Disappointment is the universe’s way of guiding you toward something more fulfilling. It is time to turn your attention to those possibilities and connect to the hope that flickers, like a flame, within you.

Gemini (The Star)
This week you are feeling more positive and hopeful about the future. Your experiences over the recent past have shown that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You can relax now and have full trust in the universe’s plan knowing that challenges are behind you and you are now in a period of integration, healing and soul growth. The cosmos is calling you to a greater level of authentic expression. Best of all, it is your light that you are embracing and it is now guiding you forward. You are optimistic about where you are heading and have support from the cosmos to make long-term plans in the pursuit of your true path. Allow inspiration to flow through you and Divine messages to guide you. Surrender to universal power, there is no need to control. Trust, faith and belief in your self will ensure success. Self-acceptance is your super power this week, and that star you’ve made a wish upon is now winking back at you!

Cancer (Eight of Cups)
This week it is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling unfulfilled. Seek out the company of people that nourish you emotionally and spiritually and unpack anything on your mind or in your heart. There is a need to move on from situations that no longer uplift you and now is the time to secure a new emotional future. Your feelings are serving you well in helping you decide what is right for you. When you walk away from people who are selfish and don’t support you, you set a standard for the types of people you attract into your life. Share more of your emotional side with people you trust. This could be challenging, but well worth the investment in your emotional health and relationships. It’s not that you’re running away from something, rather moving toward something better for your soul. It’s time to release people or situations you have outgrown. Be true to your feelings, you know where the goodness is, move toward it!

Leo (The Hanging Man)
This week the universe is asking you to stop, reflect on your world from a different perspective and surrender to Divine timing! Step outside the box and embrace different ways of doing things and resolving problems, knowing that everything is already perfect according to Divine planning. You will need to gain a deeper understanding of unseen factors in all situations this week, and your intuitive senses are powerful. You can see beyond surface factors to understand the bigger forces at play. Trust it. Dreams provide insights and future visions this week. Magical avenues open up when you expand your awareness beyond the physical and tangible world to the unseen, ethereal and world of soul, spirit and higher realms. New pathways and approaches come to light regarding your soul purpose and relationships. Take the higher love aspect with any conflict or disagreement no matter how right you think you are. Compassion is your super power this week!

Virgo (Seven of Wands)
This week you may need to stand your ground on a particular matter, defend your position, or fight for something you believe in. It is all about your passion and fighting spirit. Some things are worth fighting for and you may need to take action this week instead of sitting and waiting passively. This is not one to give up to the universe to resolve, you must do what you can, with positive intent, to maintain your elevated position. There is no room for doubt. It is time to claim your personal power. Walk your own path with confidence and belief in yourself. You’ve worked too hard to give it all away!

Libra (Ten of Pentacles)
You’ll feel extremely blessed this week as you experience a very happy home life with positive energy all around, but particularly health and finances. Invest in areas that bring you a sense of security and belonging. Also, don’t wait for retirement to begin living. Sure, make a plan for your future, but not at the expense of joy in the present. This is the perfect time to work on your hobbies and interests outside of work, those activities that bring pure fun and joy into your energy field. In relationships, you are about to be rewarded for all of the effort and energy you have put into them. You will find things that you have nurtured emotionally, mentally and spiritually coming to fruition this week. Wonderful! If you are considering starting a family business, material and spiritual rewards are indicated. With all this optimism, stability and abundance, there is so much to be grateful for. Give yourself permission to feel content and happy knowing that whatever is showing up in your life is a reflection of your inner world. Go you!

Scorpio (Knight of Pentacles)
Slow and steady wins the race this week. Make detailed plans and stick to them so you can land those ideas into physical reality! A deliberate, measured pace and due diligence is required this week. Take things one step at a time in an orderly manner, according to your plan. Our dreams don’t grow unless we attend to them in practical ways by taking the actions we know we need to take. This is the key to manifestation. You are planting the seeds now and the seasons must unfold as they need to, in divine order, before you will see the fruit. It is the same with people, all you can do is plant the seed in their mind, the rest is up to them to figure it out in their own time and in their own way. Someone who is dependable, practical and committed may be significant this week – a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Your guides are close and helping you with a long term commitment or project.

Sagittarius (King of Cups)
Same message for you again this week, Sag. Drop into your heart space (instead of judgement) and share your loving and wise energy with others. Helping those who need a little extra understanding and compassion will bring you a great sense of emotional fulfilment. This really is the time to ‘pay it forward’ and seek opportunities to display your humanitarian side and huge capacity for unconditional love. You are the proverbial wise and caring guide. For many of you, this is the ideal time to pursue a career doing something you love, something that makes you jump out of bed each day with emotional commitment to help others and make a meaningful contribution to the world. Emotional healing will bring much-needed relief and peace to your inner world. Someone warm, generous, honourable and chivalrous may be significant to you – a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Generosity is your spiritual gift this week. Make sure you show it to yourself as well!

Capricorn (King of Swords)
This week you have the ability to cut through emotional clutter and get straight to the heart of matters using your logic, intellect and moral compass. You know what is right and you have the confidence to speak your mind with conviction and courage. If there is a difficult decision to make, you have the wisdom to reach a decision that balances mental and emotional considerations and is fair to all concerned. In business, your diplomacy and professionalism brings people together to resolve with objectivity and wisdom. Honest and open communication may be challenging but absolutely necessary and people will appreciate your direct approach this week. Someone who is brilliant, funny, fair-minded and diplomatic may cross your path this week in a professional capacity – most likely a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Communicate honestly, even if it’s difficult.

Aquarius (Page of Swords)
Your curiosity for life is at a peak this week, and you may be inclined to research an area of knowledge or commence a period of study. It is a week of learning, questioning and understanding the world around you. Connecting with others on an intellectual level may be rather stimulating this week too. There may be delays or changes to plans, especially with Mercury going into retrograde this week, but be open to the idea that it may be the universe nudging you toward something better, or giving you time to refine plans to make them better. Someone who is direct, perceptive and analytical may also be significant to you this week – most likely a Gemini or other air sign (Libra or Aquarius).

Pisces (The High Priestess)
It is important to pay attention to your intuition this week as you will receive powerful psychic insights. This should be super easy for you, Pisces, as you are the most psychic of signs. Take the time to consider your feelings about situations and people and allow your intuitive senses to guide you in all circumstances – if it feels right, trust it. Ask for guidance from Archangel Haniel to assist you in reaching an intuitive decision about a course of action and have full trust that you will always be guided to what you need at the right time. Your passed loved ones are close to you at this time and you may receive visitation through meditation or dreams this week to let you know they are close, through familiar feelings or scents. Reflection and meditation are essential to re-set your internal compass and connect with your psychic self this week. You can completely trust the Divine messages you receive when you create sacred space for connection to universal truth. Intuition trumps logic this week, especially when quick decisions are needed.

Wishing you a loving week ahead!

Marion xxx

Soul Scopes 9-15 May 2022