These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Five of Pentacles)
You may have a tendency to fall into a lack mindset this week. If you have been trying to resolve an issue on your own, it may be time to seek assistance rather than allowing it to bring you down. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Once you turn your energy to focusing on a solution that involves assistance from others, including your angels and guides, your situation will improve. It is important not to dwell on your weaknesses and catastrophise situations from a lack mindset. Intuitive counselling and energy healing may assist, especially through body work. Remember that in addition to support from people, you have a team of guardian angels and guides who are ready to assist on a spiritual level. It’s time to accept that you can’t do this on your own, seek help to realign your energy. What you need to be healthy and happy is completely within your reach now.

Taurus (Seven of Swords)
The truth of a situation or someone’s intention is revealed to you this week. This could be someone confessing to you about what really happened after their words or actions left you reeling. This is nothing to be concerned about. The advice from the universe is to not take it personally. Others’ behaviour has nothing to do with you, it comes from a place within them that is wounded. Their actions may have angered or hurt you, but they are human and make mistakes, as we all do. Your job this week is to hold space, listen without judgement and graciously accept any apologies that come your way. Speaking your truth will also attract new allies this week as you step more potently into your voice. Trust that the truth will always move you in the best direction, even if it causes discomfort initially.  Welcome the freedom that truth brings.

Gemini (Nine of Cups)
A wish you have been secretly keeping in your heart takes flight this week. It is time to really feel into this dream, charge it with emotional energy, and feel the joy of manifesting it into being. Allow time to listen to the whisper of your intuitive feelings and do not dismiss anything that seems unattainable. Dreams are only that until they are achieved. If you can dream it, feel it, believe it and have unwavering faith that the universe will provide, there is no wish too big! You deserve the happiness and unbridled joy that following this dream will provide. Light a candle and focus your positive intention on this wish to secure it in the deepest place of hope, love and power within your heart! Emotional contentment is here.

Cancer (Three of Wands)
You are imagining possible futures and charging your plans with spirit and enthusiasm this week. Do not passively wait for things to happen, rather take the next step toward achieving the long-term vision for your life. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy is the path you must take now. If it makes you feel authentically alive, it’s a big “yes” from the universe. This week you can take calculated risks in order to succeed. Amazing experiences are on their way to you! The universe will provide all that you need while you pursue your life’s purpose, or take that step into the unknown. Be confident that you are guided and protected on this journey by your team in spirit. Dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned. Trust your instincts and take guided action. Be brave and bold this week. This is the end of procrastination, no more waiting!

Leo (Five of Wands)
You will need to be flexible and adaptable this week as you are likely to be dealing with several competing goals. There may also be disagreement with others about how to proceed in certain situations or you may be dealing with internal conflict, which is a sign that something needs to change within you. It would be unwise to forge ahead by asserting your will as this will only create defensiveness in others. Instead, focus on the big picture. This will help you to rise above any conflict and galvanise everyone around a common purpose. Resist the temptation to create drama. Use your creative mind to reimagine a greater outcome for all involved and stay true to the common vision and goal you’re all working toward. This approach will get you fantastic results this week!

Virgo (Judgement)
A new cycle of your soul’s evolution is here. Compassionately review and evaluate your past experiences so you can take forward the lessons and apply them in the next phase, on a new level of spiritual awareness. Reflection and self- forgiveness are required as you become aware that all of the experiences and people that have shaped you into the person you are today. You have developed a deeper understanding of yourself from a higher perspective, and profound wisdom along the way. Use it to guide the next phase of your spiritual journey. Listen to those whispers from your higher self, which is all-knowing and one hundred percent psychic, guiding you toward new experiences and people that will elevate your life. You don’t need to repeat the patterns of the past, they are not needed where you are going. This is a time of revelations, spiritual awakening and Divine guidance to prepare you for a new life cycle!

Libra (Two of Cups)
Romance and love are in the air this week! There is the opportunity to meet kindred spirits and, for singles, you may experience the potential of a friendship blossoming into an emotionally fulfilling romantic connection. This may be with someone quite different to you, a counterpart that complements your energy in the most magical way. Ditch the list and go with your heart! With all of this love energy surrounding you this week you have the ability to bring conflicts to a positive resolution and heal broken hearts. A spirit of cooperation guides all of your interactions, particularly with your significant other, and you will be able to communicate without words. Sharing your feelings is important too as it will bring you closer and strengthen your emotional bond. Approach all situations with an open heart. Choose being happy over being right and embrace the magic that unfolds. Heart connections are your most important priority this week and vulnerability is your key to contentment. Love actually, is all around!

Scorpio (The Devil)
It is time to deal with an energy within you that is a drain on your emotions, causes anxiety and steals your joy. This week you are supported in releasing an unhealthy attitude, habit or pattern that you rely on as a coping mechanism. Work is needed on a soul, emotional or mental level to release it from your energy field. Devil energy is fear-based energy where our ego makes decisions over our heart and keeps us held back, and stuck. You may need the help of a professional practitioner to heal this once and for all. Letting go can be challenging as it processes through your body, so take plenty of time to rest and hydrate through this healing journey. It’s not easy to face the darkness sometimes, but on the other is the liberation you have been seeking!

Sagittarius (The Emperor)
This week you are being called to step up and be the authority of your own life! Divine will is calling you to make things happen in your world and blaze new trails. Discipline and commitment are your greatest attributes this week as are planning and forecasting. All of your wisdom and life experience have brought you to this point. The time is now! Combine strategic thinking and efficient action to bring your vision to life. Do everything in your power to create the outcome you desire, but make sure you do it with integrity and fairness. You are the architect of your life and the time is now to take charge and direct it to where you want to go. You can handle anything that comes your way this week. This is the long game. Commit to yourself and your life. Be the captain of your ship!

Capricorn (Three of Swords)
If you have been holding on to a painful situation it is now time to bless it with love and leave it in the past. Let go of the energy of heartbreak, sadness and grief in whatever way feels right for you. It is time to process these emotions so you can embrace a positive, new direction of hope in your heart. It is important to forgive yourself for your role in all situations where you acted out of guilt, shame, regret or fear. Now is the time to release it from every cell in your body. Releasing past pain, hurt and trauma is intense so be gentle with yourself as you do this. Give yourself time to process and energetically cleanse with a deep knowing that you are creating a container in which to receive more joyful experiences in your life. It is time to leave this pain behind once and for all, knowing that you loved deeply and can now go forward with an open heart.

Aquarius (King of Swords)
This week you have the ability to cut through emotional confusion and get straight to the heart of matters using your logic, intellect and moral compass. You know what is right and you have the confidence to speak your mind with conviction and courage. If there is a difficult decision to make, you have the wisdom to make one that is fair to all concerned. Your diplomacy and professionalism brings people together to resolve problems with objectivity and wisdom. Honest and open communication may be challenging but absolutely necessary and people will appreciate your direct approach this week. You may come to a decision to remove certain people out of your life this week too, those that you know will not serve your highest good going forward. Someone who is brilliant, funny, fair-minded and diplomatic may cross your path this week – most likely a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, or someone with personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) or their Ascendant in these signs. Enjoy the clarity this week brings and take action on important decisions.

Pisces (The Lovers)
You had this message a few weeks ago, Pisces. Relationships and deep soul connections are significant this week. An electric meeting of hearts and minds will fill your energetic cup. If you are in a relationship, this week the energy is auspicious to connect on a deeper level with your beloved, as sharing your inner most thoughts and feelings will strengthen your bond. For singles, this is the perfect week to manifest your soul mate – write down how you want to feel in the partnership of your dreams then let it go to create a void which the universe will fill at the perfect time in a way that will blow your mind. This is the perfect week to express your feelings for someone without expecting anything in return. Allow your heart to guide all of your decisions and love to overflow to all whom you encounter this week. Embrace the power and transformative healing energy of unconditional. Love is a doing word!

Soul Scopes 4-10 September 2023