These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Ten of Cups)
There is a massive love vibe around you this week.  Loving memories are created with those closest to you. You are filled with love and forgiveness and intuitively know how to attend to your emotional needs and those of others. Trust is deepened and creates a wonderful feeling of security and belonging. Singles may feel they are ready to share love with a significant other and may experience a destined or fated meeting this week. The energy of joy, contentment and emotional support is around you. You are safe, loved and truly blessed. Family bonds may deepen this week. Be the love the world needs, it will nourish your soul!

Taurus (Two of Wands)
You are faced with a choice this week and a clear option presents itself to you. This is about making plans for your future and co-creating your world with the universe. You are setting your intentions now to follow the path your spirit is urging you to take. It is a wonderful opportunity to embark on a journey driven by your desire to create something new, something that puts you in charge of your life.  It’s time to choose the next path now and move along it with courage, focus and passion, leaving the pain of the past behind and creating your future with optimism and excitement in your ability to manifest your intentions. You know what to do, set your intention to take action and watch how everything starts to align.

Gemini (Eight of Swords)
This week you need to get out of your own way by not overthinking. There are some things you don’t need to know so instead of tying yourself in knots trying to figure it out, breathe and let it be. The reality is, most times the problem is never as bad as we make it out to be in our minds. Just face up to it, or ask the question you are afraid to ask! Whatever the answer, your mind can be at peace and can be turned toward the next actions you can take to move beyond this challenging situation. Solutions will appear so you can breathe a sigh of relief and let go of the worst case scenario you had built up in your mind. The power of your mind is massive this week, use it to your advantage!

Cancer (Knight of Wands)
You are full of motivation and will have the energy to accomplish a significant task this week, especially if it involves a passion project, cause or mission. Apply wisdom to ensure your energy is directed in a focused manner so you can achieve the results you are seeking. You’ve set your intention and now is the time to take bold, excited action toward what you desire. You can feel this energy building within you and you know it’s right for you to do something that lifts your life to a new level. Momentum is everything and it’s all up to you now, there is no need to hold back, go for it! Someone passionate, adventurous and fearless may be significant to you this week, could be an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, or someone with those signs strongly placed in their chart. They light your fire and lift your soul with positive energy. Be discerning, however, as fire energy can burn out as quickly as it starts. This person may come in hot and heavy and leave just as quickly. You’ll need to use your psychic senses to know if there’s deeper feelings underneath. Blaze a new trail in your life and allow yourself to have fun doing it!

Leo (Queen of Cups)
A strong empathic energy flows from you this week. Your feelings are super-sensitive and you have can read others’ feelings like a book. Caring for others is also highlighted this week as your emotional cup is overflowing! Your kindness. patience and compassion, even under trying circumstances, is your super power. Family and your close, inner circle are paramount to your emotional wellbeing as they truly accept you as you are and provide unconditional love. Trusting your intuition, about people and situations, provides you with the confidence to speak from your heart and the courage to do the right thing in all circumstances. Your relationships develop to a new level of understanding, based on words and actions which emanate from a pure heart space. Tell people what they mean to you. If you have been wondering about a potential relationship or romance, this message confirms that this person sees you as their Queen of Cups. It’s safe to give your full cup of love!

Virgo (Page of Swords)
Your curiosity for life is at a peak this week, and you may be inclined to research an area of knowledge or commence a period of study. It is a week of learning, questioning and understanding the world around you. Connecting with others on an intellectual level will be highly stimulating this week too. There may be delays or changes to plans but be open to the idea that it may be the universe nudging you toward something better, or giving you time to refine plans to make them better. You may receive a Divine download this week that turns out to be a brilliant solution to a problem you’ve been mulling over. Avoid gossip this week, it lowers your vibration. Be sure to confirm your information with reliable sources before making assumptions or drawing erroneous conclusions. A Gemini, Libra or Aquarius may be significant to you this week.

Libra (Ten of Swords)
A painful cycle comes to an end this week. Something that has caused disappointment, anxiety and mental anguish will be laid to rest. It is time to release this, to let go and let God. You can’t change the past, but you can choose a better state of mind, with help from your team of guides and the universe. As a result of letting go, you may feel some sadness, but the overwhelming feeling is one of relief, and solutions will naturally be revealed. Open up to future possibilities so that you can fully leave the past behind. This is necessary for you to create space for new, happy experiences to come in. This is something you can’t control and your energy is best invested in things you can, bringing greater peace to your life. Everything will be fine.

Scorpio (Death-Rebirth)
A part of the old you is dying off this week. This is great news as it’s something you no longer need. It has to do with how you see yourself and owning your place in the world. This is something that you’ve been holding on to for a while. It may even be something you thought you had dealt with, now another layer is coming up for healing. You may feel it as tension or pain in your body. This is an invitation to deeper into the metaphysical aspect. Seek professional, holistic help if you need so you can fully experience the healing process and release this from your energy field. On the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary to grow your emotional power. The deeper you go with it, the higher you can fly!

Sagittarius (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week or a decision you need to make but are caught up in your head about it. You hold the key to your mental clarity. The answers will come not from logical analysis or talking to others. It will  reveal itself gently from your inner guidance. Have faith that your psychic knowing is your best guide in this situation. It knows the truth. Don’t worry about how others might react, all that matters is that you live in integrity and communicate your truth in an authentic way. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you know that any decisions about your life are true and right for you and anyone else involved. You know what to do, trust yourself!

Capricorn (Ten of Pentacles)
You’ll feel extremely blessed this week as you experience a very happy home life with positive energy all around you. This is a wonderful time to feel grateful for everything you have created in your life. Everything is coming together in the most perfect way. You will find the energy that you have invested over time is paying off. You have done the work to create stability and security in your life and this message is confirmation that you are on the path to abundance. There is so much to be grateful for, even lessons learned the hard way. You may reach a turning point with a health challenge this week too. The worst is over and the healing path is revealed. Give yourself permission to feel content and happy knowing that whatever is showing up in your life is a reflection of the inner world you have nurtured. It’s all been so worth it!

Aquarius (The Moon)
There is more going on in a situation than you may be aware. Things are not clear so you will need to gather more information and process it through an intuitive lens to gain clarity. Look beneath people’s surface behaviour to reveal their true motivations. What you are seeing is likely to be fear-based words or actions. This may also apply to you this week, so be kind and compassionate with yourself if your behaviour and true feelings get scrambled. This is all part of your healing journey and the Moon is supporting you to embrace your light and shadow aspects this week. This duality is what keeps us emotionally balanced. Trust in the power of your emotional body to show you the truth and look to the Moon cycle for timing. The Full Moon in Capricorn in the 3rd is an ideal time to release fear and insecurities to strengthen your emotional power.

Pisces (Two of Pentacles)
There are many tasks to juggle this week, so your best approach is to focus on the highest priority ones and leave the rest to others, or another time. Planning ahead and being realistic about what you can achieve this week are critical to your success. It’s all about figuring out the path of least resistance and flowing with wherever that energy wants to flow. Don’t try to force things this week, it’s important to remain flexible because sometimes the way we think things need to be done is not the most beneficial or successful approach. Inject creativity and fun into your plans this week and marvel at how all of the pieces to fall magically into place without any significant additional energy from you. Trust in your ability to figure it out. You always do!

Soul Scopes 3-9 July 2023