These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Eight of Pentacles)
Your work or occupation is in the spotlight this week. It is time to stretch beyond your current comfort zone to build and hone your skills and talents even further, or develop new ones. Your thirst for knowledge is strong this week and you may expand your mind through self-directed study or a formal qualification. This will provide you with the credibility and confidence to pursue a career you love, which can also sustain you for the long term. Your value is on the rise! Continue to develop  your capabilities and embrace a mindset of life-long learning and mastery. Knowledge becomes wisdom through dedicated, consistent practice.

Taurus (The Lovers)
Relationships and deep soul connections are significant this week. An electric meeting of hearts and minds will fill your energetic cup. If you are in a relationship, this week the energy is auspicious to connect on a deeper level with your beloved, as sharing your inner most thoughts and feelings will strengthen your bond. For singles, this is the perfect week to manifest your soul mate – write down how you want to feel in the partnership of your dreams then let it go to create a void which the universe will fill at the perfect time in a way that will blow your mind. This is the perfect week to express your feelings for someone without expecting anything in return. Allow your heart to guide all of your decisions and love to overflow to all whom you encounter this week. Embrace the power and transformative healing energy of unconditional Remember, love is always a choice!

Gemini (Ace of Cups)
There is a peak emotional experience coming your way this week. This could be falling in love with someone, reigniting the romance in a current relationship or loving on yourself. It could be saying yes to something that feels emotionally nourishing or allowing your heart chakra to open again after a period of being shutdown or closed off. If you have had an intuitive feeling to pursue something you love, a passion project or something that will bring you emotional fulfilment, the cosmos is giving you the green light this week. You may experience a flood of psychic feelings this too and you can trust them to guide your path forward now, towards love. Open your heart to new emotional experiences, it is safe to be vulnerable and share your deepest feelings. Someone may offer a kind or romantic gesture this week and it restores your faith in the power of love.

Cancer (Strength)
This week you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do it you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to deal with challenges head on. Don’t allow pride to keep you from joy. What you show to others will be returned in kind and people will naturally connect with your authentic energy this week. Even if things don’t work out the way you want, you will be proud of yourself for being so brave it won’t matter! Then you can keep moving forward with greater self-esteem. You are so much stronger than you think!

Leo (The Empress)
The rich, abundant energy of The Empress is with you this week. Get ready for a week of sensuality, feeling good in your body and delighting in the pleasure of all your senses. Settle into your feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing, rather than driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to shine through this week too. You are in the ideal environment to birth something new into your reality. Creativity exists in many different forms so whatever activity brings you joy and takes you out of your head needs to be prioritised this week. It will activate your sacral chakra, bringing a sense of fun and play into your life which boosts your energy. Let go of inhibitions and have fun, it’ll work wonders for your soul.

Virgo (Knight of Pentacles)
A deliberate, measured pace and due diligence is required this week, but mostly it’s about doing things in your own time. Take things one step at a time in an orderly manner, according to your plan and your energy levels. If you have a tendency to ruminate and over-think, it will be important to process information and feelings through your body this week, rather than your mind. Your body’s wisdom is guiding your next steps now and there is no rush. If you feel good and grounded you know it’s the right decision. Your guides are close and helping you get started with a long term commitment or project. This is all about the long game, stay with it and don’t give up!

Libra (The Fool)
It is time to believe in yourself and take the leap your heart is calling you to make. You have raised your vibration and are on the precipice of something truly amazing, an adventure of which you have always dreamed. You know this journey will have its ups and downs, but you must have faith that you will learn and grow through this process in ways that will surprise and delight you. All you need to do is take the first step. Listen to your heart and you will know which step to take and when to take it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, the timing is right now. Enjoy this next part of your sacred journey confident in the knowledge that the universe always has your back. It is your time to truly live. Take the leap. Be fearless!

Scorpio (Six of Wands)
Self-praise and positive self-talk are your super powers this week. There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of and it’s now time to reward yourself. Acknowledgement and recognition from others are coming this week too. A sense of victory is in the air as you achieve something you thought you wouldn’t. This is all about swimming in the energy of deservingness. You are more capable than you realise and now you have reached this milestone you can continue on to the next one with confidence. When you value and celebrate your contribution and achievements, you attract even more victorious experiences into your life. You did it, so celebrate YOU!

Sagittarius (King of Cups)
You hold a lot of love for people and you feel things very deeply, but it may not be easy for you to express your emotions. Your emotions may overwhelm you this week, so it’s important to have strategies in place to manage them so they aren’t trapped in your body causing blockages and imbalance. Emotional mastery is the balance between holding back on expressing your feelings and being totally overwhelmed by them. Emotions need to flow, so however you need to make this happen is your priority this week. This could be expressing your care for someone or letting someone know how their words or actions hurt you. Allow emotions to flow through you rather than stuffing them down. This is the approach you can embrace this week to get different results in your life. Connect with others through their love language and allow others to experience yours.

Capricorn (Five of Swords)
Your mind is a powerful tool this week. There may be the tendency to self-sabotage by creating stories and scenarios in your head that are based in fear. Letting go of situations that dim your light or pull you into lower vibrational energy is necessary to relieve mental stress this week, that includes any unkind thoughts, words, insecurity or self-doubt. These are all false statements you say to yourself, and they couldn’t be further from the truth. You can’t resolve this by staying in your head and thinking it through. It is time to be brave and ask questions to get the answers you need either from the person involved or your team of guides. Then you can get on with the things you can control, let go of the things you can’t, and regain peace of mind. The key is to switch your mind from short-term to long-term thinking this week.

Aquarius (Four of Pentacles)
You may be feeling very protective of your energy this week. Too much energy output has left you feeling depleted emotionally and physically. You’ll need to be very discerning about where to invest your time, energy, resources and love this week in order to regain your strength. No amount of giving to some people will ever see a return on your investment, so there is a decision to make about how much longer you will continue and to what extent. You may need to withdraw your energy, in whole or part, and reinvest elsewhere. Relationships that have an organic, equal exchange of energy are where you need to invest right now, until others can show you the level of respect and honour you in the way you deserve. This is about setting your value and not wavering. Those who are meant to be with you will find a way when they are ready to drop their guard and feel safe enough to connect with you. Listen and let down your guard too.

Pisces (The Wheel of Fortune)
Something in your life which was blocked or stuck is about to turn around one hundred and eighty degrees! Energetic blocks are lifted this week and things move forward with fresh energy and momentum. Focus your thoughts and feelings on the outcome you desire and be prepared to flow with whichever direction you are taken by Divine guidance. This is a period of expansion, opportunities and advancement as you switch your mind to optimistic expectation. If a situation has been challenging, you’ll be able to turn it around by shifting your belief that you have to do something a particular way. Open your mind to other possibilities, a better way is available now. Good luck is also indicated when you have faith that everything is always working out for your highest good. Say it over and over until you believe it!

Soul Scopes 28 Aug – 3 Sep 2023