These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Eight of Cups)
This card represents the energy of Saturn in Pisces. Saturn represents structure and long-term stability, it can also give us a big dose of reality. Pisces is the energy of the unseen realms, dreams and fantasy. It is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling emotionally unfulfilled and start to feel into what will be your happiness going forward. There is a need to move on from a situation that once kept you fulfilled, but the reality is, it is no longer what you had hoped. Allow yourself to feel into your future and what would bring you the emotional stability and connection you are seeking. Move toward it with a lighter, hopeful heart. Your fulfilment awaits!

Taurus (Ace of Swords)
Truth and clarity are key themes for you this week and help you to make practical decisions. Take notice of those messages that come to you as internal voices or inner-knowings as these are epiphanies which provide clarity on a way forward. Act on these ideas faster than the speed of disbelief so your mind can’t talk you out of it. The key here is to stop over-thinking potential outcomes and instead focus your mind on the present. Adjust your course based on current experiences, not old thought patterns. If you believe you should take a new direction or approach to something, trust that insight and move forward to develop the idea further. Clear communication is also essential and it may be time for an honest, mature conversation with someone if it is safe to do so. The person on your mind may make contact to communicate their truth. Make sure you do the same in return, as truth is healing and strengthens connections when both parties share honestly. You may need to wield your sword of truth to sort the wheat from the chaff – those who will remain in your inner circle and those who will not.

Gemini (The Chariot)
Ready, set, go! Focus on the outcome you want to achieve this week then allow the universe to lead you there. There is much to achieve on the work and home fronts and at times it will feel easy, while at other times you will need sheer willpower and determination just to complete simple tasks. Whatever distractions come your way this week, focus on forward motion allowing Divine guidance to direct your course. It is important to strike balance with your emotions this week too, by using them to guide your actions and not allowing the drama of others to take you off course. Take charge of your life and allow your intuition to guide your course, no matter what others may tell you. You know what is right for you better than anyone. Take the reins and steer your own destiny toward a greater sense of emotional security and belonging. Those who provide emotional and psychological safety will come on the journey with you!

Cancer (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week or a decision you need to make but are caught up in your head about it. You hold the key to your mental clarity by getting in touch with your emotions. The answers will come not from logical analysis or talking to others. It will  reveal itself gently from your inner guidance. It knows the truth. Don’t worry about how others might react, all that matters is that you live in integrity and communicate your truth in an authentic way. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you know that any decisions about your life are true and right for you and anyone else involved. You know what to do, trust yourself!

Leo (Temperance)
There is a need for balance this week, to bring opposing forces into a state of harmony. There may be a particular area of your life, either physical, mental, emotional that is operating at extremes right now. It may feel out of control, like you will never be able to get a handle on it. The good news is angelic assistance is at hand this week to help you to bring balance to this area. Whatever part of your life requires additional love this week needs to take priority in order to re-connect and re-align you to your sacred centre. This may be through a spontaneous realisation or vision that brings healing. Open-mindedness and patience are your super powers this week. Do you believe in miracles?

Virgo (Page of Swords)
Your curiosity for life is at a peak this week, and you may be inclined to research an area of knowledge or commence a period of study. It is a week of learning, questioning and understanding the world around you. Connecting with others on an intellectual level will be highly stimulating this week too. There may be delays or changes to plans but be open to the idea that it may be the universe nudging you toward something better, or giving you time to refine plans to make them better. You may receive a Divine download this week that turns out to be a brilliant solution to a problem you’ve been mulling over. Avoid gossip this week, it lowers your vibration. Be sure to confirm your information with reliable sources before making assumptions or drawing erroneous conclusions. A Gemini, Libra or Aquarius may be significant to you this week.

Libra (Seven of Pentacles)
This is a week of review and evaluation about where you will invest your time, energy and resources going forward. Will you keep doing the same things, or hanging around the same people, or do changes need to be made so you can feel like your investment will grow in the way you want? If you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for with a goal or project, it’s time to adjust and use the wisdom of your experience to guide you toward where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Concrete, practical plans and action steps are needed to regain momentum based on Divine inspiration you receive this week. When it comes, you will know what to do to bring something to fruition. Trust yourself to know the right timing to move forward again with something you know is a worthwhile investment in your future happiness.

Scorpio (Four of Swords)
This is a week of mental rest and retreat in order to rejuvenate yourself and reconnect with your heart. This is especially important if you have been experiencing any stress or worry lately. Taking time out will help you to work through options for anything that may be troubling you. Solutions will come through flashes of inspiration or ideas that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Whatever it is you do to healthily wind down and quiet your mind is essential for you this week. Carve out time in your schedule to seek relief from stress and get extra sleep this week if possible. Mental rest and recuperation are needed to reignite your hope and positive outlook on life. Everything seems better when you can shut down your overactive mind and have faith that everything is working out exactly as it is meant to, using your heart as your guide.

Sagittarius (Queen of Wands)
This week you will find the fire within, filling you with confidence, passion and charisma. Express your creativity and boldness, without caring how others perceive you. Leave doubt and insecurity behind as you take inspired action toward what you want, your psychic vision is strong now. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Your creativity and sexual energy is amplified this week too, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire and make you feel truly alive in the juiciness of life! Make time for play, intimate connection and perhaps some friendly competition to get your pranic energy flowing. You can accomplish anything this week. Go on, set your soul on fire and do something you’ve always wanted to, or something you love but haven’t done in a while!

Capricorn (Six of Wands)
Self-praise and positive self-talk are your super powers this week. There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of and it’s now time to reward yourself. Acknowledgement and recognition from others are coming this week too. A sense of victory is in the air as you achieve something you thought you wouldn’t, emerging from a period of inner struggle. You are now turning the corner with regard to breaking ancestral patterns that may have been passed down through multiple generations. Your ancestors are celebrating the work you have done as it has enhanced their soul’s evolution, and that of future generations. Rejoice in your resurgence!

Aquarius (Knight of Cups)
Prepare for a heartfelt offer this week, Aquarius!  The exhilarating highs of love and romance feature in your world this week and a special connection may make your heart sing. Someone may show you just how lovable you are and how much they appreciate you. Thoughtful deeds and gestures of love are all around you this week. If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall more deeply in love with your person. Love is your currency this week, give it without expecting anything in return. Believe that you deserve to receive love too, and know it can show up in many different ways. Someone who is romantic, caring and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. A surprise loving gesture, or message, brings emotional connection with someone special.

Pisces (Death-Rebirth)
A part of the old you is dying off this week. This is great news as it’s something you no longer need and the Full Moon on the 27th is alchemising it into emotional power. It has to do with how you see yourself and owning your place in the world. This is something that you’ve been holding on to for a while. It may even be something you thought you had dealt with, now another layer is coming up for healing. You may feel it as tension or pain in your body. This is an invitation to go deeper into the metaphysical aspect of this. Seek professional, holistic help if you need so you can fully experience the healing process and release this from your energy field. On the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary to grow your emotional power. The deeper you go with it, the higher you can fly. Clear your emotional clutter.

Soul Scopes 27 Nov – 3 Dec