These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Three of Swords)
If you have been holding on to a painful situation it is now time to bless it with love and leave it in the past. Let go of the energy of heartbreak, sadness and grief in whatever way feels right for you. It is time to process these emotions so you can embrace a positive, new direction of hope in your heart. It is important to forgive yourself for your role in all situations where you acted out of guilt, shame, regret or fear. Now is the time to release it from every cell in your body. Releasing past pain, hurt and trauma is intense so be gentle with yourself as you do this. Give yourself time to process and energetically cleanse with a deep knowing that you are creating a container in which to receive more joyful experiences in your life. It is safe to leave this pain behind once and for all, knowing that you loved deeply and your heart is ready to open again.

Taurus (Three of Pentacles)
Good planning and teamwork build the foundations for success this week. You will have an opportunity to showcase your skills, talents and capabilities in a team or group to achieve a shared outcome. This is a time of significant growth in your mastery of the physical and material world. The power of creativity and teamwork is magical this week as you summon your resources to bring a vision or dream into reality through practical application of your spiritual and human capabilities. Imperfect action now will allow you to iterate, refine and grow this vision or dream into a very special offering that will be of service to others. In relationships, someone may seek you out as they see your value and want to work with you to build something meaningful. Be open to compromise and collaboration, there’s something very special ready to be created.

Gemini (Four of Wands)
This is a time of celebration as your life is elevating to a new level of connection with people in your soul tribe. This is also a sign of a major rite of passage or significant personal achievement. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. Keep your vibe high and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week too, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future. You may even magnetise that special person right now, and it could be a deep soul connection with someone with whom you can journey through life.

Cancer (The Tower)
Something unexpected will occur this week to shake you up and set you on a new path. Change is on its way! The universe is providing you with a revelation or epiphany about changes that are needed to align you to your true north. Even though it may be shocking or surprising, there is nothing to fear as you are being Divinely supported to make these changes so you can upgrade your life. This involves rebuilding an aspect of your life with stronger foundations based on a new level of awareness. This is the universe’s way of creating an opportunity for you to make massive progress. These changes will involve breakthroughs in those areas of your life where you are feeling stagnant, or responding to situations in old ways. If it feels exciting and scary at the same time, you know you are on the right path. You may meet someone who rocks your world.

Leo (The Devil)
It is time to deal with an energy within you that is a drain on your emotions, invokes feelings of shame, steals your joy and keeps you playing small. This week you are supported in releasing an unhealthy attitude, habit or pattern that you rely on as a coping mechanism. Work is needed on a soul, emotional or mental level to release it from your energy field. Devil energy is fear-based energy where our ego makes decisions over our heart and keeps us held back, and stuck. You may need the help of a professional practitioner to heal this once and for all. Releasing thought patterns and trapped emotions can be challenging as it processes through your body, so take plenty of time to rest and hydrate through this healing journey. It’s also advisable to seek professional help. It’s not easy to face the darkness sometimes, but on the other is the liberation you have been seeking to finally detach from this emotional and mental weight and free yourself.

Virgo (Ace of Wands)
The universe is offering you a delicious new opportunity to align with, or build upon, your life purpose this week. Embrace it with inspiration and optimism. This is your chance to create something truly amazing in your life that reignites your creativity. The cosmos is lining up a new passion project related to your life purpose or something that makes you feel closely connected to the Divine. Take imperfect action this week, starting with the spark of inspiration and fuel it with soul light so it burns brighter. Feel that passion and bravery rising within to create something magical that you can offer the world. This could also be a new person entering your life, who will energise your spirit and make you feel alive again or someone from your past wanting to light the spark of passion with you again. This life-affirming energy brings a new beginning that aligns you with your destined path.

Libra (King of Cups)
You hold a lot of love for people and you feel things very deeply, but it may not be easy for you to express or process your feelings. Your emotions may overwhelm you this week, so it’s important to have strategies in place to manage them so they aren’t trapped in your body causing blockages and imbalance. Emotional mastery is the balance between holding back on expressing your feelings and being totally overwhelmed by them. Emotions need to flow, so however you need to make this happen is your priority this week. This could be expressing your care for someone or letting someone know how their words or actions hurt you. Allow emotions to flow through you rather than stuffing them down. This is the approach you can embrace this week to get different results in your life. Connect with others through their love language, this will deepen your interactions and create a safe space for emotional intimacy.

Scorpio (Four of Swords)
This is a week of mental rest and retreat in order to rejuvenate yourself and reconnect with your heart. This is especially important if you have been experiencing any stress or worry lately. Taking time out will help you to work through options for anything that may be troubling you. Solutions will come through flashes of inspiration or ideas that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Whatever it is you do to healthily wind down and quiet your mind is essential for you this week. Carve out time in your schedule to seek relief from stress and get extra sleep this week if possible. Mental rest and recuperation are needed to reignite your hope and positive outlook on life. Everything seems better when you can shut down your overactive mind and have faith that everything is working out exactly as it is meant to, using your heart as your guide.

Sagittarius (Ace of Swords)
Truth and clarity are key themes for you this week and will help you to make decisions. Take notice of those messages that come to you as internal voices or inner-knowings as these are epiphanies which provide clarity on a way forward. Act on these ideas faster than the speed of disbelief so your mind can’t talk you out of it. The key here is to stop over-thinking potential outcomes and instead focus your mind on the present. Adjust your course based on current experiences, not old thought patterns. If you believe you should take a new direction or approach to something, trust that insight and move forward to develop the idea further. Clear communication is also essential and it may be time for an honest, mature conversation with someone if it is safe to do so. A person may make contact to communicate their truth. Hear them out, it will be a healing experience for you both.

Capricorn (Queen of Swords)
Discerning the truth of a situation will be important this week. You will need to trust your inner knowing and balance it with the evidence you have. Honesty and humour in are your tools of choice as you navigate decisions and assess courses of action this week. You have the ability to see clearly and not be swayed by emotions or hidden agendas. Your perception is razor sharp and you can rely on your judgement but you don’t need to be harsh in your delivery of the truth, temper it with a splash of empathy. You may feel like calling someone out on their lies or misconduct and it may be important to put a boundary in place too. This is also a powerful time to speak your truth from a place of deep knowing of, and love for, yourself. You can be honest and kind at the same time. Communication is essential, but choose your words wisely. Words are powerful, especially the ones we say to ourselves.

Aquarius (The Lovers)
Relationships and deep soul connections are significant this week. An electric meeting of hearts and minds will light up all your chakras. It could very well be a deep soul connection. If you are already in a relationship, this week the energy is auspicious to connect on a deeper level with your beloved, to bare your soul and let them see who you are. For singles, this is the perfect week to manifest your soul mate – write down how you want to feel in the partnership of your dreams then let it go to create a void which the universe will fill at the perfect time in a way that will blow your mind. If you are in separation from your person, you can interact with them in the 5D and reassure them of your unconditional love. Many twin flames are approaching inner union of their Divine feminine and masculine at this time. Embrace the power and transformative healing energy of unconditional love. The upcoming lunar eclipse on 25th March is a pivotal point in your life when it comes to relationships this year. The universe puts people on our path to help us learn and grow our consciousness through love.

Pisces (Eight of Swords)
This card reflects the energy of Jupiter in Gemini. In the shadow aspect, you are allowing your mind to get in the way of what your soul is calling you to do. You may even be manifesting blocks in your life because you hold unconscious negative beliefs about your potential or your greatness. The message is to get out of your own way by reframing the limiting belief and focusing on doing the thing you are holding yourself back from. Jupiter is assisting you at this time to move beyond your comfort zone, to expand your mind into believing that you are capable of more. This week’s reading will continue to play out from May 2024 until June 2025 when Jupiter is transiting Gemini, so the mind work you begin this week now will set you up to benefit greatly during this forthcoming 12 month period.

Soul Scopes 25-31 March 2024