These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Strength)
This week you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding due to fear. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do it you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to deal with challenges head on. Don’t allow pride to create barriers, reach out and make the first move toward reconciliation. What you show to others will be returned in kind and people will naturally connect with your authenticity. Even if things don’t work out the way you want, you will be proud of yourself for being so brave it won’t matter! Then you can move on with your life unparalysed by fear. You are so much stronger than you think!

Taurus (Page of Cups)
Tender, caring conversations bring you closer to people in your inner circle this week and an emotional break-through could have you feeling more at peace within yourself. This week could also see a realisation that a softening is required within your heart space to achieve different results in relationships. Overall, the energy of relationships this week is sensitive, innocent and intuitive, like a feeling of pure love. Feel all the feels this week and be ready to receive an offering of love knowing that a person’s intentions are pure and unconditional. Reveal more of your vulnerable side and soak up those loving vibes. A Cancerian may be significant to you this week. A message of love fills up your cup!

Gemini (Ten of Cups)
There is a massive love vibe around you this week.  Loving memories are created with those closest to you. You are filled with love and forgiveness and intuitively know how to attend to your emotional needs and those of others. Trust is deepened and creates a wonderful feeling of security and belonging. Singles may feel they are ready to share love with a significant other and may experience a destined or fated meeting this week. The energy of joy, contentment and emotional support is around you. You are safe, loved and truly blessed. Family bonds may deepen this week. Allow all expressions of love to radiate from you this week. Be the love!

Cancer (Nine of Pentacles)
This is a time to celebrate your independence. You have reached a place of mastery and there is a sense of being able to manage your life with the expectation of success. You are self-sufficient and have all the resources you need to be successful in any endeavour you put your energy into. You are comfortable in your own skin and not bound by the opinions of others. You are free to take your life in any direction you choose now as you have perfected the art of manifestation to draw the right people and experiences to you that will propel you along your evolutionary path. In this energy of knowing your value, you may even attract that person who is your true Divine counterpart.

Leo (The Fool)
This is the week to believe in yourself and take the leap your heart is calling you to make. You have raised your vibration and are on the precipice of something truly amazing, an adventure of which you have always dreamed. You know this journey will have its ups and downs, but you must have faith that you will learn and grow through this process in ways that will surprise and delight you. All you need to do is take the first step. Listen to your heart and you will know which step to take and when to take it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, your intuitive stirrings are completely trustworthy. The next step will be revealed at the perfect time. Enjoy the sacred journey confident in the knowledge that the universe always has your back. It is your time to truly live. Take the leap. What are you waiting for?!

Virgo (The World)
You have reached the point in your life where a new cycle is beginning! You have learned the lessons and cleared karma and are now embarking on this next cycle on a new level of spiritual awakening. You can start this new cycle with complete faith in your ability to handle any challenges and trust in the Divine Plan for your life. You know yourself on a deeper level and understand your unique place in the world better than ever. The universe will surprise you in the most delightful way when you take action to align with your highest purpose, led by soul whispers. You may be called into a new level of spiritual service at this time to activate more of your Divine gifts and deepen the ones you already have. You are held in cosmic love, wisdom, truth and power.

Libra (Temperance)
There is a need for balance this week, Libra. To bring a particular area of your life, your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual aspect into greater harmony. Whichever one you feel requires additional love this week needs to take priority in order re-connect and re-align you to your sacred centre. Self-control and strategic patience are the best qualities you can practice this week. Compromise brings healing and fosters a spirit of unity and cooperation in relationships this week. Giving some ground on a matter may just be the breakthrough that is needed to ease a difficult situation. Remain flexible but understand that keeping the peace at all costs creates imbalance. Sometimes all you can do is let go and allow time to heal. Do whatever you can to rein in reactive behaviour. This is the key to flowing with the cosmos this week and allows situations to unfold as they need to, for your highest good.

Scorpio (Eight of Cups)
This week it is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling emotionally unfulfilled. There is a need to move on from situations that no longer uplift you and now is the time to secure a new emotional future. Your feelings are serving you well in helping you decide what is right for you. It’s not that you’re running away from something, rather moving toward something better for your heart and soul. It’s time to release people or situations you have outgrown or that no longer fulfil you. Be true to your feelings, you know where the goodness is, move toward it with a lighter heart.

Sagittarius (The Empress)
The rich, abundant energy of The Empress is with you this week. Get ready for a week of sensuality, feeling good in your body and delighting in the pleasure of all your senses. Settle into your feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing, rather than driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to shine through this week, you are in the ideal environment to birth something new into your reality. Creativity exists in many different forms so whatever creative activity brings you joy must be prioritised this week. It will activate your sacral chakra, bringing a sense of fun and play into your life which boosts your health and relationships. Let go of inhibitions and have fun, it’ll work wonders for your soul.

Capricorn (Seven of Swords)
The truth of a situation or someone’s intention is revealed to you this week. This could be someone confessing to you about what really happened after their words or actions left you reeling. This is nothing to be concerned about. The advice from the universe is to not take it personally. Others’ behaviour has nothing to do with you, it comes from a place within them that is wounded. Their actions may have angered or hurt you, but they are human and make mistakes, as we all do. Your job this week is to hold space, listen without judgement and graciously accept any apologies that come your way. Speaking your truth will attract new allies this week as you step more potently into your voice. Trust that the truth will always move you in the best direction, even if it causes discomfort. Welcome the freedom that truth brings.

Aquarius (Page of Wands)
News of an exciting new opportunity may stir your spirit this week and the universe is encouraging you to run with it, even if you think you’re not ready. This will spark your creativity and adventurous spirit and you’ll be inspired to explore the potential of this opportunity. It’s all about trusting your instincts to experience something, or someone, exciting. To feel ignited with a lust for life again. This new venture may involve some form of study or delving deeper into a topic to stir your passion. Someone with a fiery, creative spirit may be significant to you this week, most likely a Leo or Sagittarius. The excitement of new adventures lies ahead!  Be bold as you express your spirit unreservedly and explore new experiences.

Pisces (Judgement)
A new cycle of your soul evolution is upon you. Compassionately review and evaluate your past experiences so you can take forward the lessons and apply them in the next phase, on a new level of spiritual awareness. Reflection and self- forgiveness are required. It is time to rejoice in all of the experiences and people that have shaped you into the person you are today. You have developed a deeper understanding of yourself from a higher perspective, and profound wisdom. Use it to guide the next phase of your spiritual journey. Listen to those whispers from your higher self, which is all-knowing and one hundred percent psychic, guiding you toward new experiences and people that will elevate your life. You don’t need to repeat the patterns of the past, they are not needed where you are going. This is a time of revelations, spiritual awakening and Divine guidance to prepare you for a new life cycle!

Soul Scopes 23-29 January 2023