These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Knight of Cups)
Prepare for a heartfelt offer this week, Aries!  The exhilarating highs of love and romance feature in your world this week and a special connection may make your heart sing. Someone may show you just how lovable you are and how much they appreciate you. Thoughtful deeds and gestures of love are all around you this week. If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall more deeply in love with your person. Love is your currency this week, give it without expecting anything in return. Believe that you deserve to receive love too, and know it can show up in many different ways. Someone who is romantic, caring and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. A surprise loving gesture, or message, brings emotional connection with someone special.

Taurus (Death-Rebirth)
A part of the old you is dying off this week. It is something you no longer need and now it is time to let it go. It has to do with emotional blocks, mental patterns and ancestral energy. This is something that you’ve been holding on to for a while. It may even be something you thought you had dealt with, now another layer is coming up for healing. You may feel it as tension or pain in your body. This is an invitation to go deeper into the metaphysical aspect of this. Seek professional, holistic help if you need so you can fully experience the healing process and release this from your energy field. On the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary to grow your emotional power. The deeper you go with it, the higher you can fly. Clear your emotional clutter.

Gemini (Nine of Pentacles)
This is a time to claim your independence. You have reached a place of mastery and there is a sense of being able to manage your life with the expectation of success. You are self-sufficient and have all the resources you need to be successful in any endeavour you put your energy into. You are comfortable in your own skin and not bound by the opinions or judgements of others. You are free to take your life in any direction you choose now as you have perfected the art of manifestation to draw the right people and experiences to you that will propel you along your evolutionary path. In this energy of knowing your value, you attract opportunities and people to you who will deeply enrich your life. This is all about being grateful for who you are and where you are in life right now!

Cancer (The Moon)
There is more going on in a situation underneath the surface and you are tuning into those energies this week. Things may not be clear so you will need to gather more information and process it through that reliable Cancerian intuition. You may need to  look beneath people’s surface behaviour to understand the vulnerabilities they may be masking. What you are seeing on the surface is likely to be fear-based words or actions, so you can respond with empathy to invite a conversation about what’s really going on. The Moon is supporting you to embrace your light and shadow aspects this week too. This duality is what keeps us emotionally balanced and connected to our intuition. Trust in the power of your emotional body to show you the truth and look to the Moon cycle for timing. The upcoming Full Moon in Leo on 25/26 January is ideal to express your emotions and channel them into creative activities that raise your spirit.

Leo (Ten of Wands)
You may be feeling overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities and commitments this week. Your only task is to focus on what truly matters and leave the rest to others. Sometimes we believe it is best for us to do the work ourselves as we know the job will be done right, but this can result in stress that can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. This is a lesson in delegation and trust. Ask for and accept help from others and/or delegate or outsource tasks you’re not good at or don’t want to do so you can preserve your energy for the priorities. Life is meant to be joyful, not a struggle. Lighten your load without guilt or remorse. In the end, you are only responsible for you, you don’t have to carry the load for others, they are on their own journey. Lay down your burdens and do something fun to lighten your energy. It’s time to regain your spark!

Virgo (Three of Pentacles)
You had this message a couple of weeks ago, Virgo, and you’re getting another chance to set your plans into motion this week. Good planning and teamwork bring success this week. This is right up your alley, Virgo! You will have an opportunity to showcase your skills, talents and capabilities in a team or group to achieve a shared outcome. This is a time of significant growth in your mastery of the physical and material world. The power of creativity and teamwork is magical this week as you summon your resources to bring a vision or dream into reality through practical application of your spiritual and human capabilities. Imperfect action now will allow you to iterate, refine and grow this vision or dream into a very special offering that will be of service to others. In relationships, someone may seek you out as they see your value and want to work with you to build something meaningful. Be open to compromise and collaboration, there’s something very special ready to be created.

Libra (Eight of Pentacles)
Same card for you again this week, Libra. Your work or occupation is in the spotlight and you are being asked to  stretch beyond your current comfort zone to build and hone your skills and talents even further. You may even be called to align your work to a higher calling, so if you have a side hustle, additional work may be needed to monetise it and get it set up to run as a professional endeavour.   Your thirst for knowledge is strong this week and you may expand your mind through self-directed study or a formal qualification. This will provide you with the credibility and confidence to pursue a career you love, which can also sustain you for the long term. Your value is on the rise now a job offer may come your way from an unexpected source. Continue to develop  your capabilities and embrace a mindset of life-long learning and mastery. Knowledge becomes wisdom through dedicated, consistent practice, and it will enhance your ability to be of service.

Scorpio (Page of Wands)
News of an exciting new opportunity may stir your spirit this week and the universe is encouraging you to run with it, even if you think you’re not ready. This will spark your creativity and adventurous spirit and you’ll be inspired to explore the potential of this opportunity. It’s all about trusting your instincts to experience something, or someone, exciting. To feel ignited with a lust for life again. This new venture may involve some form of study or delving deeper into a topic to stir your passion. Someone with a fiery, creative spirit may be significant to you this week, most likely a Leo or Sagittarius. The excitement of new adventures lies ahead!  Be bold as you express your spirit and explore new experiences through the eyes of a youthful soul. A world of possibilities is opening for you now.

Sagittarius (Five of Swords)
Short term thinking about an enduring situation will not get you the result you are seeking. Your mind is a powerful tool this week and there may be the tendency to self-sabotage by creating stories and scenarios in your head that are based in fear. Letting go of situations that dim your light or pull you into lower vibrational energy is necessary to relieve mental stress this week, that includes any unkind thoughts, words, insecurity or self-doubt. These are all false statements you say to yourself, and they couldn’t be further from the truth. You can’t resolve this by staying in your head and thinking it through. It is time to be brave and ask questions to get the answers you need. Then you can get on with the things you can control, let go of the things you can’t, and regain peace of mind. You are being tested at this time. The key to pass the test is to switch your lower mind to your higher one.

Capricorn (Three of Wands)
You are imagining possible futures and charging your plans with spirit and enthusiasm this week. Do not passively wait for things to happen, rather take the next step toward achieving the long-term vision for your life. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy is the path you must take now. If it makes you feel authentically alive, it’s a big “yes” from the universe. This week you can take calculated risks in order to succeed. Amazing experiences are on their way to you! The universe will provide all that you need while you pursue your life’s purpose, or take that step into the unknown. Be confident that you are guided and protected on this journey by your team in spirit. Dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned. Trust your instincts and take guided action. Be brave and bold this week. This is the end of procrastination, no more waiting, the time is now!

Aquarius (The Emperor)
This week you are being called to step up and be the authority of your own life. Divine will is calling you to make things happen in your world and blaze new trails. Logic, structure and planning are your super powers this week. When you figure out what you want things will fall into place. Seems simple, right? Sometimes we know what we don’t want, but it can be difficult to figure out what we actually do want for ourselves. All of your wisdom and life experience have brought you to this point and the time is now to execute your strategy. Do everything in your power to create the outcome you desire, but make sure you do it with integrity and fairness. You are the architect of your life and the time is now to take charge and direct it to where you want to go. Everything aligns when you decide what you want. So, what do you want?

Pisces (Knight of Pentacles)
A deliberate, measured pace and due diligence is required this week, but mostly it’s about doing things in your own time. Take things one step at a time in an orderly manner, according to your plan and your energy levels. If you have a tendency to ruminate and over-think, it will be important to process information and feelings through your body this week, rather than your mind. Your body’s wisdom is guiding your next steps now and there is no rush. If you feel good and grounded you know it’s the right decision. Your guides are close and helping you get started with a long term commitment or project. This is all about the long game, stay with it and don’t give up! Financial matters are now in focus and you may need to make some practical adjustments to bring stability and prosperity in this area. Think long term.

Soul Scopes 22-28 January 2024