These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Four of Wands)
This is a time of celebration as your life is elevating to a new level of connection with people in your soul tribe. This is also a sign of a major rite of passage or significant personal achievement. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. Keep your vibe high and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week too, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future. You may even magnetise that special person right now, and it could be a deep soul connection that you can journey through life with. You can see the connection between the two people on the card, they are experiencing a soul recognition.

Taurus (Seven of Cups)
This card represents the energy of Venus in Scorpio. Venus is all about value and Scorpio challenges us to face our fears. You will need to make a decision this week but you may feel less than deserving of what is on offer. The course of action you must take is the one that feels right for you, not what society or other people believe is acceptable or is from a place of diminishing your value. Trust your emotional compass to guide you this week, it is pointing you in the direction of your highest good to get you to honour your value. It may be the case that others see your value more than you do. If it is something you have wanted, trust your feelings, they always lead you down the right path, even if it seems like you’re not ready. The universe never offers us anything we are not ready for. This is your future self you are being asked to embrace now and as you focus on what you truly love and are passionate about, the more your destined path will be revealed.

Gemini (Knight of Cups)
Prepare for a heartfelt offer this week, Gemini!  The exhilarating highs of love and romance feature in your world this week and a special connection may make your heart sing. Someone may show you just how lovable you are and how much they appreciate you. Thoughtful deeds and gestures of love are all around you this week. If you already have a significant other you may share an experience which makes you fall more deeply in love with your person. Love is your currency this week, give it without expecting anything in return. Believe that you deserve to receive love too, and know it can show up in many different ways. Someone who is romantic, caring and sensitive may be significant to you this week, most likely a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. A surprise loving gesture, or message, brings emotional connection with someone special.

Cancer (Nine of Cups)
A wish you have been secretly keeping in your heart takes flight this week. It is time to really feel into this dream, charge it with emotional energy, and feel the joy of manifesting it into being. Allow time to listen to the whisper of your intuitive feelings and do not dismiss anything that seems unattainable. Dreams are only that until they are achieved. If you can dream it, feel it, believe it and have unwavering faith that the universe will provide, there is no wish too big! You deserve the happiness and unbridled joy that following this dream will provide. Light a candle and focus your positive intention on this wish to secure it in the deepest place of hope, love and power within your heart! Focus on your own emotional contentment is here. That’s when you’ll begin to see a shift in how you show up in the world and how others respond to you.

Leo (Queen of Cups)
A strong empathic energy flows from you this week. Your feelings are super-sensitive and you have can read others’ feelings like a book. Caring for others is also highlighted this week as your emotional cup is overflowing! Your kindness. patience and compassion, even under trying circumstances, is your super power. Family and your close, inner circle are paramount to your emotional wellbeing as they truly accept you as you are and provide unconditional love. Trusting your intuition, about people and situations, provides you with the confidence to speak from your heart and the courage to do the right thing in all circumstances. Your relationships develop to a new level of understanding, based on words and actions which emanate from a pure heart space. Tell people what they mean to you. If you have been wondering about a potential relationship or romance, this message confirms that this person sees you as their Queen of Cups. It’s safe to give your full cup of love!

Virgo (Six of Wands)
Self-praise and positive self-talk are your super powers this week. There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of and it’s now time to reward yourself. Acknowledgement and recognition from others are coming this week too. A sense of victory is in the air as you achieve something you thought you wouldn’t, emerging from a period of inner struggle. You are now turning the corner with regard to breaking ancestral patterns that may have been passed down through multiple generations. Your ancestors are celebrating the work you have done as it has enhanced their soul’s evolution, and that of future generations. Rejoice in your resurgence!

Libra (Ten of Cups)
There is a massive love vibe around you this week.  Loving memories are created with those closest to you. You are filled with love and forgiveness and intuitively know how to attend to your emotional needs and those of others. Trust is deepened and creates a wonderful feeling of security and belonging. Singles may feel they are ready to share love with a significant other and may experience a destined or fated meeting this week. The energy of joy, contentment and emotional support is around you. You are safe, loved and truly blessed. Family bonds may deepen this week. Be the love the world needs and sprinkle it everywhere! You never know who’s day/week you will make and when it will come back to you.

Scorpio (King of Pentacles)
It’s a week of being very comfortable with where you are at in life, particularly in a material and physical sense. You are stepping up and taking care of your responsibilities, providing stability for others in your world. Work wise, you are confidently owning your authority in a particular field and it may be rewarded with higher remuneration as a reflection of your value and contribution. You are in an abundance mindset of knowing that things always work out well for you and the universe always provides what you need, and more. Your maturity and practicality will serve you well this week. An auspicious time to plan for your long term financial future and make adjustments now to ensure sustainability. A Capricorn may be significant to you this week.

Sagittarius (Queen of Wands)
The Queen of Wands is back again after a few weeks to fill you with confidence, passion and charisma. Express your creativity and boldness this week, without caring what others think. Leave doubt and insecurity behind as you take inspired action toward what you want. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Your creativity and sexual energy is amplified this week, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire and make you feel truly alive in the juiciness of life! With all this fiery, spirited energy you can accomplish almost anything this week. Your soul craves expression!

Capricorn (Seven of Pentacles)
This is a week of review and evaluation about where you will invest your time, energy and resources going forward. Will you keep doing the same things, or hanging around the same people, or do changes need to be made so you can feel like your investment will grow in the way you want? If you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for with a goal or project, it’s time to adjust and use the wisdom of your experience to guide you toward where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Concrete, practical plans and action steps are needed to regain momentum based on Divine inspiration you receive this week. When it comes, you will know what to do to bring something to fruition. Trust yourself to know the right timing to move forward again with something you know is a worthwhile investment in your future happiness. You are poised for action!

Aquarius (The Empress)
Get ready for a week of sensuality, feeling good in your body and delighting in the pleasure of all your senses. Settle into your feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing, rather than driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to shine through this week too. You are in the ideal environment to birth something new into your reality. Creativity exists in many different forms so whatever activity brings you joy and takes you out of your head needs to be prioritised this week. It will activate your sacral chakra, bringing a sense of fun and play into your life which boosts your energy. Let go of inhibitions and have fun, it’ll work wonders for your soul. Do something your body will enjoy. Your value is on the rise this week too, don’t allow others to diminish it!

Pisces (The Tower)
Something unexpected will occur this week to shake you up and set you on a new path. Change is on its way! The universe is providing you with a revelation or epiphany about changes that are needed to align you to your true north. Even though it may be shocking or surprising, there is nothing to fear as you are being Divinely supported to make these changes so you can upgrade your life. This involves rebuilding an aspect of your life with stronger foundations based on a new level of awareness. This is the universe’s way of creating an opportunity for you to make massive progress. These changes will involve breakthroughs in those areas of your life where you are feeling stagnant. If it feels exciting and scary at the same time, you know you are on the right path. You may feel humbled by an interaction this week.

Soul Scopes 19-25 February 2024