These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Three of Wands)
You are imagining possible futures and charging your plans with spirit and enthusiasm this week. Do not passively wait for things to happen, rather take the next step toward achieving the long-term vision for your life. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy is the path you must take now. If it makes you feel authentically alive, it’s a big “yes” from the universe. This week you can take calculated risks in order to succeed. Amazing experiences are on their way to you! The universe will provide all that you need while you pursue your life’s purpose, or take that step into the unknown. Be confident that you are guided and protected on this journey by your team in spirit. Dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned. Trust your instincts and take guided action. Be brave and bold this week. This is the end of procrastination, no more waiting, the time is now!

Bonus numerology message: 91 – Surrender

Taurus (Four of Swords)

This week it is important for you to rest and retreat in order to rejuvenate yourself mentally. This is especially important if you have been experiencing any stress or worry lately. Taking time out will help you to work through options for anything that may be troubling you. Solutions will come through flashes of inspiration or ideas that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Whatever it is you do to healthily wind down and quiet your mind is essential for you this week. Carve out time in your schedule to seek relief from stress and get extra sleep this week if possible. Mental rest and recuperation are needed to reignite your hope and positive outlook on life and freshen your thinking. Everything seems better when you can shut down your overactive mind and have faith that everything is working out exactly as it is meant to.

Bonus numerology message: 16 – Rebirth

Gemini (Ace of Cups)
There is a peak emotional experience coming your way this week. This could be falling in love with someone, reigniting the romance in a current relationship or loving on yourself. It could be saying yes to something that feels emotionally nourishing or allowing your heart chakra to open again after a period of being shutdown or closed off. If you have had an intuitive feeling to pursue something you love, a passion project or something that will bring you emotional fulfilment, the cosmos is giving you the green light this week. You may experience a flood of psychic feelings this too and you can trust them to guide your path forward now, towards love. Open your heart to new emotional experiences, it is safe to be vulnerable and share your deepest feelings. Someone may offer a kind or romantic gesture this week and it restores your faith in the power of love.

Bonus numerology message: 56 – Relationship change

Cancer (Five of Cups)
You may be feeling sadness and regret this week. It is important to acknowledge your emotions, but ultimately it is unhealthy to hang on to them as they keep you anchored in the past. Whatever is bothering you, just remember that everything happens for your highest good and you did what you believed was the best for you under the circumstances at the time. Being human isn’t easy, but our painful experiences are designed to propel us further into being the best version of ourselves. In time you will see why this situation turned out the way it did. You cannot change what you did or said, all you can do is respond differently now that you know better. Healing comes from accepting your part in it a situation and believing that they know you didn’t mean it in a malicious way. Forgive yourself and focus on amplifying the love that remains in your heart.

Bonus numerology message: 37 – Time-out

Leo (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week or a decision you need to make but are caught up in your head about it. You hold the key to your mental clarity. The answers will come not from logical analysis or talking to others. It will  reveal itself gently from your inner guidance. Have faith that your psychic knowing is your best guide in this situation. It knows the truth. Don’t worry about how others might react, all that matters is that you live in integrity and communicate your truth in an authentic way. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you know that any decisions about your life are true and right for you and anyone else involved. You know what to do, trust yourself!

Bonus numerology message: 26 – Love partnership

Virgo (Nine of Wands)
This week the focus is on your ability to be resilient in the face of challenge and adversity. Believe in yourself and keep moving along the path you’ve created with the end goal in mind, even though all you want to do right now is give up. There is no need to struggle to get the results you want. This will only cause you to feel tired and weary and possibly give up. Setbacks are merely sacred roadworks forcing you to slow down and honour the universe’s Divine plan and timing. The path you’re on is the right one, you just need to reignite your inspiration to keep going by connecting with that original spark that motivated you to take this path in the first place. The point at which we want to give up, when it seems too hard, is often when we find a spark deep within us to keep us going. You have totally got this, you are closer than you think!

Bonus numerology message: 93 – Happy ending

Libra (Queen of Cups)
A strong empathic energy flows from you this week. Your feelings are super-sensitive and you have can read others’ feelings like a book. Caring for others is also highlighted this week as your emotional cup is overflowing! Your kindness. patience and compassion, even under trying circumstances, is your super power. Family and your close, inner circle are paramount to your emotional wellbeing as they truly accept you as you are and provide unconditional love. Trusting your intuition, about people and situations, provides you with the confidence to speak from your heart and the courage to do the right thing in all circumstances. Your relationships develop to a new level of understanding, based on words and actions which emanate from a pure heart space. Tell people what they mean to you. If you have been wondering about a potential relationship or romance, this message confirms that this person sees you as their Queen of Cups. It’s safe to give your full cup of love!

Bonus numerology message: 55 – Adventure

Scorpio (Four of Pentacles)
You may be feeling very protective of your energy this week. Too much energy output has left you feeling depleted emotionally and physically. You’ll need to be very discerning about where to invest your time, energy, resources and love this week in order to regain your strength. No amount of giving to some people will ever see a return on your investment, so there is a decision to make about how much longer you will continue. You may need to withdraw your energy as holding on to a situation that is draining you is preventing you from the fulfilment you crave. Relationships that have an organic, equal exchange of energy are where you need to invest right now. This is about setting your value and investing time and energy in people who see it.

Bonus numerology message: 57 – Teaching and learning

Sagittarius (Queen of Swords)
Discerning the truth of a situation will be important this week. You will need to trust your inner knowing and balance it with the evidence you have. Honesty and humour in are your tools of choice as you navigate decisions and assess courses of action this week. You have the ability to see clearly and not be swayed by emotions or hidden agendas. Your perception is razor sharp and you can rely on your judgement but you don’t need to be harsh in your delivery of the truth, temper it with a splash of empathy. You may feel like calling someone out on their lies or misconduct but is this the best course of action? This is also a powerful time to speak your truth from a place of deep knowing of, and love for, yourself. You can be honest and kind at the same time. Communication is essential, but choose your words wisely. Words are powerful, especially the ones we say to ourselves.

Bonus numerology message: 96 – Forgiveness

Capricorn (Ace of Pentacles)
This eclipse has gifted you with a reset! A fresh start in your physical and material world. Abundance now flows in the form of money, time or energy to assist you in the physical realm. This is the ideal week to begin a new venture which is aligned to a higher purpose and provides a new source of income. A new job or promotion is also indicated, as is being in the spotlight for your work. A breakthrough in your physical health is also indicated this week. This is an ideal time to make an investment, to commit to something long lasting. The cosmos is guiding you to see and receive new streams of prosperity that bring stability, security and a peaceful easy feeling to your life. You can breathe a sigh of hope again!

Bonus numerology message: 6 – Love

Aquarius (Eight of Cups)
This card represents the energy of Saturn in Pisces. Saturn represents structure and long-term stability, it can also give us a big dose of reality. Pisces is the energy of the unseen realms, dreams and fantasy. This week, you may experience a situation that jolts you into facing the reality of a situation. It is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling emotionally unfulfilled and start to feel into what will be your happiness going forward. There is a need to move on from a situation you once thought would bring you fulfilment, but the reality is, it is no longer what you had hoped. Allow yourself to feel into your future and what would bring you joy and ecstasy. Move toward it with a lighter, hopeful heart. Your fulfilment awaits!

Bonus numerology message: 67 – Physical activity

Pisces (Seven of Wands)
You are coming out on top this week. After a period of struggle and conflict, your resilience is stronger. Some things are worth fighting for and you may need to take action this week instead of sitting and waiting passively. Your defences may be up this week too because you are unwilling to acknowledge how you co-created the situation you are in. It’s easier to project blame than it is to reflect on how you may have misread someone’s intentions or were triggered by their behaviour. This only perpetuates the energy of conflict and separation. You can come out on top this week by not taking things personally or overreacting. Allow things to settle so you can see the situation with an open heart.

Bonus numerology message: 8 – Manifestation

Soul Scopes 16-22 October 2023