These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Four of Swords)
This week it is important for you to rest and retreat in order to rejuvenate yourself mentally. This is especially important if you have been experiencing any stress or worry lately. Taking time out will help you to work through options for anything that may be troubling you. Solutions will come through flashes of inspiration or ideas that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Whatever it is you do to healthily to wind down and quiet your mind is essential for you this week. Carve out time in your schedule to seek relief from stress and get extra sleep this week if time allows. Rest and recuperation are needed to bring much needed healing. It’s ok to do nothing and just be!

Taurus (Strength)
This week you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do it you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to deal with challenges head on. Don’t allow pride to keep you from joy. What you show to others will be returned in kind and people will naturally connect with your authentic energy this week. Even if things don’t work out the way you want, you will be proud of yourself for being so brave it won’t matter! Then you can move on with greater self-esteem. You are so much stronger than you think!

Gemini (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week or a decision you need to make but are caught up in your head about it. You hold the key to your mental clarity. The answers will come not from logical analysis or talking to others. It will  reveal itself gently from your inner guidance. Have faith that your psychic knowing is your best guide in this situation. It knows the truth. Don’t worry about how others might react, all that matters is that you live in integrity and communicate your truth in an authentic way. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you know that any decisions about your life are true and right for you and anyone else involved. You know what to do, trust yourself!

Cancer (Ace of Wands)
A delicious new opportunity in your career or life path and fires up your soul this week. Embrace it with inspiration and optimism. This is your chance to create something truly amazing in your life that reignites your zest for life. The cosmos is lining up a new passion project related to your life purpose or something that makes you feel closely connected to the Divine. Take imperfect action this week, starting with the spark of inspiration and fuel it with soul light so it burns brighter. Feel that passion and bravery rising within to create something magical that you can offer the world. This could also be a new person entering your life, who will energise your spirit and make you feel alive again or someone from your past wanting to light the spark of passion with you again. This life-affirming energy brings a new beginning and fresh, soulful energy.

Leo (Eight of Cups)
This week it is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling emotionally unfulfilled and start to feel into what will be your happiness going forward. There is a need to move on from situations and people that no longer uplift you and now is the time to secure a new emotional future. Your feelings are guiding you toward your ultimate contentment within yourself. It’s not that you’re running away from something, rather moving toward something better for your heart and soul. It’s time to release people or situations you have outgrown or that no longer fulfil you. Be true to your feelings, you know where the goodness is, move toward it with a lighter, hopeful heart.

Virgo (Six of Swords)
Something you have been worrying about shifts to a feeling of peace this week. All it takes is a decision to surrender what you cannot control. The situation will not be resolved in your mind through continual worry and over-thinking. Lay down your sword of anxiety and hyper-vigilance now and trusting that all is well. You may wish to detox yourself from all forms of mainstream and social media to give your mind a break from the matrix this week. This creates space for you to commune with your higher mind, the part of you that connects with the intelligence of the universe to gain deeper understanding and meaning for your life, bringing you the sense of peace you have been seeking.

Libra (Eight of Pentacles)
Your work or occupation is in the spotlight this week. It is time to stretch beyond your current comfort zone to build and hone your skills and talents even further, or develop new ones. Your thirst for knowledge is strong this week and you may expand your mind through self-directed study or a formal qualification. This will provide you with the credibility and confidence to pursue a career you love, which can also sustain you for the long term. Your value is on the rise! Continue to develop and hone your abilities and embrace a mindset of life-long learning and mastery. Knowledge becomes wisdom through practice and experience over time, bringing a feeling of true accomplishment in your work. This brings a sense of fulfilment on all levels.

Scorpio (The Magician)
You have the ability to manifest something you want this week. Use all the tools in your box to create the perfect energetic recipe. That means starting with a thought, an intention, charging it with feelings of what it would be like to have the thing/experience you thought about, then do whatever you can in a practical sense to set the manifestation process into action. Finally, release it to the universe to figure out the how and when. You can’t hang on to a particular outcome, allow the universe to work its magic. If it doesn’t pan out, something better is meant for you. Dream. Believe. Receive!

Sagittarius (Queen of Wands)
This week you are filled with confidence, passion and charisma. Express your creativity and boldness, without caring how others perceive you. Leave doubt and insecurity behind as you take inspired action toward what you want. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Others Your creativity and sexual energy is amplified this week, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire and make you feel truly alive in the juiciness of life! You can accomplish anything this week. Go on, set your soul on fire and do something you’ve always wanted to!

Capricorn (The Lovers)
Relationships and deep soul connections are significant this week. An electric meeting of hearts and minds will fill your energetic cup. If you are in a relationship, this week the energy is auspicious to connect on a deeper level with your beloved, as sharing your inner most thoughts and feelings will strengthen your bond. For singles, this is the perfect week to manifest your soul mate – write down how you want to feel in the partnership of your dreams then let it go to create a void which the universe will fill at the perfect time in a way that will blow your mind. This is the perfect week to express your feelings for someone without expecting anything in return. Allow your heart to guide all of your decisions and love to overflow to all whom you encounter this week. Embrace the power and transformative healing energy of unconditional love, acceptance and pure soul connection. Remember, love is always a choice.

Aquarius (Nine of Pentacles)
This is a time to celebrate your independence. You have reached a place of mastery and there is a sense of being able to manage your life with the expectation of success. You are self-sufficient and have all the resources you need to be successful in any endeavour you put your energy into. You are comfortable in your own skin and not bound by the opinions of others. You are free to take your life in any direction you choose now as you have perfected the art of manifestation to draw the right people and experiences to you that will propel you along your evolutionary path. In this energy of knowing your value, you attract opportunities and people to you who will deeply enrich your life.

Pisces (King of Pentacles)
It’s a week of being very comfortable with where you are at in life, particularly in a material and physical sense. There’s a strong sense of responsibility to family and work this week as you provide for your loved ones financially. You are also confidently owning your authority in a particular field of work and it is being rewarded with higher remuneration. You are in an abundance mindset of knowing that things always work out well for you and the universe always provides what you need. And when you’re in this energy, you signal to the universe that you are ready to receive more, so you can share your abundance with others and take care of your responsibilities. A Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn may be significant to you this week.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

Love Marion xx

Soul Scopes 15-21 May 2023