These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (King of Pentacles)
This week your professional and/or financial status gets a big boost. Opportunities for promotion or to earn what you’re truly worth present themselves as your skills and talents bring rewards and increased stability to your life. You are confidently owning your authority in a particular field and it is being recognised and appreciated. You are extremely resourceful as you operate in an abundance mindset of knowing that things always work out well for you. Preparation for retirement is also indicated and seeking advice from a trusted adviser will help set you up for financial success. Long term investments are the most beneficial at this time. Someone who is successful, stable and influential may also be significant to you this week – a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Never settle for less than what you deserve!

Taurus (Knight of Pentacles)
Slow and steady wins the race this week. Make detailed plans and stick to them so you can land those ideas into physical reality! A deliberate, measured pace and due diligence is required this week, no distractions! Take things one step at a time in an orderly manner, according to your plan. Our dreams don’t grow unless we attend to them in practical ways by taking the actions we know we are guided to take. This is the key to manifestation. You are planting the seeds now and the seasons must unfold as they need to, in divine order, before you will see the fruit. Allow situations to play out this way. It is the same with people, all you can do is plant the seed in their mind, the rest is up to them to figure it out in their own time and in their own way. Someone who is dependable, practical and committed may be significant this week – a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Your guides are close and helping you with a long term commitment or project.

Gemini (Eight of Wands)
You are extremely motivated to take action on all your ideas and creative plans this week! You’ll need your wits about you to make sure you don’t miss out on opportunities too. The good news is that delays are over and your plans move into high gear. This is a fertile time to put energy into creative projects and those pursuits you are deeply passionate about as you are set to achieve many things this week. While the pace may seem frenetic, you will feel exhilarated by the progress you make. Be sure not to lose yourself in all of the activity and work with your energy levels. Keeping the big picture in mind will maintain your motivation and focus. This is a time of making things happen, with each step building confidence along your path. Important communication that is Divinely timed will boost your spirits.

Cancer (King of Swords)
This week you have the ability to cut through emotional clutter and get straight to the heart of matters using your logic, intellect and moral compass. You know what is right and you have the confidence to speak your mind with conviction and courage. If there is a difficult decision to make, you have the wisdom to reach a decision that balances mental and emotional considerations and is fair to all concerned. In business, your diplomacy and professionalism brings people together to resolve with objectivity and wisdom. Honest and open communication may be challenging but absolutely necessary and people will appreciate your direct approach this week. Someone who is brilliant, funny, fair-minded and diplomatic may cross your path this week in a professional capacity – most likely a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Communicate honestly, even if it’s difficult.

Leo (Strength)
This week you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do it you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity for you to grow from your experiences and draw on all that you have learned to provide you with the confidence to deal with challenges head on. Don’t allow pride to create barriers, reach out and make the first move toward reconciliation. What you show to others will be returned in kind and people will naturally connect with your authenticity. Even if things don’t work out the way you had bargained on, you will be so proud of yourself for being brave it won’t matter! Then you can move on with your life unparalysed by fear.   You are so much stronger than you think!

Virgo (The Star)
This week you are feeling more positive and hopeful about the future. Your experiences over the recent past have shown that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You can relax now and have full trust in the universe’s plan knowing that challenges are behind you and you are now in a period of integration, healing and soul growth. The cosmos is calling you to a greater level of authentic expression. Best of all, it is your light that you are embracing and it is now guiding you forward. You are optimistic about where you are heading and have support from the cosmos to make long-term plans in the pursuit of your true path. Allow inspiration to flow through you and Divine messages to guide you. Surrender to universal power, there is no need to control. Trust, faith and belief in your self will ensure success. Self-acceptance is your super power this week, and that star you’ve made a wish upon is now winking back at you!

Libra (Death-Rebirth)
This is a big week emotionally and psychologically for you. It is time to face up to the uncomfortable feelings that a person or situation is triggering within you. To go into your soul and transform pain into power by allowing something that is no longer serving you to die off. Letting go can be challenging, so you will need to practice extreme self-care to ensure you can process and release. Seek professional, holistic help in these situations so you can fully experience the healing process. You will be taken out of your comfort zone and it is best not to fight it because on the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace and growth you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary for spiritual and personal evolution.

Scorpio (The Tower)
This week you are invited to leave behind limiting beliefs and out-dated ways of doing things. There are changes you know you need to make to evolve on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level and this is the perfect week to initiate courageous action! Take charge of the situation before it gets so out of control the universe has to step in and force change upon you. There is nothing to fear as you are being Divinely supported to make these changes. Make a start this week and seek professional help if you feel guided. This is the universe’s way of creating an opportunity for you to literally rise from the ashes, spread your wings, and step further into your power. Playing safe no longer serves you it is time to step out of your comfort zone and become who you’re truly meant to be. Epiphanies and sudden realisations will guide you.

Sagittarius (Four of Wands)
The energy of celebration surrounds you this week as you continue to lay solid foundations for your life. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. You have attracted these experiences into your life, so keep operating in this slip stream of trusting your higher self. You may be seeing 111 or 11:11 frequently, this is the universe reminding you of your spiritual power and ability to create every experience you desire through your inner world, which becomes your outer world reality. Make this your dedicated practice going forward and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you.

Capricorn (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you don’t want to face this week or a decision you need to make but are caught up in your head about it. You hold the key to your mental clarity. The answers will come not from logical analysis or talking to others. It will  reveal itself gently from your inner guidance. Have faith that your psychic knowing is your best guide in this situation. It knows the truth. Don’t worry about how others might react, all that matters is that you live in integrity and communicate your truth in an authentic way. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you know that any decisions about your life are true and right for you and anyone else involved. You know what to do, trust yourself!

Aquarius (The Sun)
Just like the Sun, you are filled with light, warmth, optimism and joy this week which provides you with a strong sense of confidence and a boost of  life force energy. Radiate your light as bright as it can be this week! Allow your warmth to bring light and joy to everyone who comes into your energy field. You may feel strong enough to address a situation that has been dimming your light for some time. Embrace your divinity and allow the sun to warm up those places within you that you have kept hidden. Illumination will be brought to an uncertain situation this week, bringing new growth and opportunities. Bring out your inner child to play this week! Bask in your own glorious light and give permission for others to do the same.

Pisces (Justice)
You have the opportunity to bring balance to a significant situation in your life. This week you will come to understand the power of cause and effect. Are you living in cause (accepting responsibility for your life) or effect (victimhood). You may believe you have been wronged or treated unfairly, but there is another side of the story too. The truth is the balancing factor between the two and you will know what the fairest outcome is when you merge your head and heart. Ultimately, taking the noble, middle path is the fairest outcome. When you say and do the right thing you can be assured that everything will be resolved to everyone’s highest good, especially yours. You know the spiritual truth of this situation. Someone may come back into your life this week to make things right.

Wishing you all the love this week!
Marion xxx

Soul Scopes 15-21 August 2022