These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (Page of Cups)
You are radiating pure love energy this week! Tender, caring conversations bring you closer to people in your inner circle this week and an emotional break-through could have you feeling more at peace within yourself. This week could also see a realisation that a softening is required within your heart space to achieve different results in relationships. Overall, the energy of relationships this week is sensitive, innocent and intuitive, like a feeling of pure love. Feel all the feels this week and be ready to receive an offering of love knowing that a person’s intentions are pure and unconditional. Reveal more of your vulnerable side and soak up those loving vibes. A Cancerian may be significant to you this week. A message of love fills up your cup!

Taurus (Justice)
The cosmos is bringing something back into balance this week, to make things right. Where you have been wronged, the tables will be turned upright this week. Someone may apologise, or a legal matter may work out in your favour. This is a classic case of 3D justice emulating spiritual justice and you will feel at peace with the outcome. You may need to make an important decision this week too, in the name of truth. If it feels right to pursue something to its final conclusion, regardless of the outcome, this week is the ideal time to initiate action. Or, you may simply decide to leave justice to the universe to work out the karma. You know the spiritual truth of this situation and sometimes that is enough to give you peace of mind. Someone may come back into your life this week to make things right. Important relationships are re-calibrating at this time.

Gemini (Ten of Swords)
A painful cycle comes to an end this week. You are done with the disappointment, anxiety and mental anguish over people and situations that have stolen your mental peace. It is time to release it, to let go and let God. You can’t change the past, but you can choose a better state of mind. As a result of letting go, you may feel some sadness, but the overwhelming feeling is one of relief, and solutions will naturally be revealed. Open up to future possibilities so that you can fully leave the past behind. This is necessary for you to create space for new, happy experiences to come in. Focus your energy on bringing greater peace to your life and this will help you to move on. Everything will be fine.

Cancer (Judgement)
A new cycle of your soul’s evolution is here. Compassionately review and evaluate your past experiences so you can take forward the lessons and apply them in the next phase, on a new level of spiritual awareness. Reflection and self- forgiveness are required as you become aware that all of the experiences and people that have shaped you into the person you are today. You have developed a deeper understanding of yourself from a higher perspective, and profound wisdom along the way. Use it to guide the next phase of your spiritual journey. Listen to those whispers from your higher self, which is all-knowing and one hundred percent psychic, guiding you toward new experiences and people that will elevate your life. You don’t need to repeat the patterns of the past, they are not needed where you are going. This is a time of revelations, spiritual awakening and Divine guidance to prepare you for a new life cycle. With new awareness, the universe is responding to you now. It has your back.

Leo (Seven of Wands)
This card reflects the energy of Mars in Leo. You are coming out on top this week. After a period of struggle and conflict, your resilience is stronger and you vibration is higher. Some things are worth fighting for and you may need to speak up this week to defend your position, or be firm about what you will and won’t tolerate. Your defences may be up this week too because you may be too proud to admit something. This only perpetuates the energy of conflict and separation. You can come out on top this week by not taking things personally or overreacting. Allow things to settle so you can see the situation with an open heart. Things always work out when you allow your true, authentic self to lead the way, and drop your guard so people can see your true intentions.

Virgo (Nine of Wands)
This week the focus is on your ability to be resilient in the face of challenge and adversity. Believe in yourself and keep moving along the path you’ve created with the end goal in mind, even though all you want to do right now is give up. There is no need to struggle to get the results you want. This will only cause you to feel tired and weary and possibly give up. Setbacks are merely sacred roadworks forcing you to slow down and honour the universe’s Divine plan and timing. The path you’re on is the right one, you just need to reignite your inspiration to keep going by connecting with that original spark that motivated you to take this path in the first place. The point at which we want to give up, when it seems too hard, is often when we find a spark deep within us to keep us going. You have totally got this, you are closer than you think!

Libra (The Emperor)
You had this message back in January, Libra, and it’s come back again to prepare you for the upcoming eclipse season, in particular the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra on 25th March. In preparation, you are being called to step up and be the authority of your own life. Divine will is calling you to make things happen in your world and blaze new trails. Logic, structure and planning are your super powers this week. When you figure out what you want things will fall into place. Seems simple, right? Sometimes we know what we don’t want, but it can be difficult to figure out what we actually do want for ourselves. All of your wisdom and life experience have brought you to this point and the time is now to execute your strategy. Do everything in your power to create the outcome you desire, but make sure you do it with integrity and fairness. You are the architect of your life and the time is now to take charge and direct it to where you want to go. Everything aligns when you decide what you want. So, what do you want?

Scorpio (Three of Wands)
You are imagining possible futures and charging your plans with spirit and enthusiasm this week. Do not passively wait for things to happen, rather take the next step toward achieving the long-term vision for your life. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy is the path you must take now. If it makes you feel authentically alive, it’s a big “yes” from the universe. Amazing experiences are on their way to you and this auspicious energy peaks on the 20th April. Take note of this date and a few days either side as something surprising could change the course of your life for the better. Dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned. Trust your instincts and take guided action. Be brave and bold this week. This is the end of procrastination, no more waiting, the time is now!

Sagittarius (Three of Cups)
A light, playful energy is with you this week and there will be something to celebrate that brings you emotional happiness and connection with those you love and cherish. Reunion energy is also around you. This is a wonderful time for social activities, fun, joy and frivolity and good old-fashioned shenanigans. The clear message this week is to experience fun with others and reconnect with your joy for life. Close friendships which provide you with emotional comfort and a sense of belonging are important this week too. You may also discover a new soul family connection or group that celebrates your unique and rare pattern. There’s nothing better than being around people who fill up your soul and heart cup. Revel in the emotional nourishment of special people who celebrate you and everything you are. Positive emotions are flowing!

Capricorn (Ten of Wands)
You may be feeling overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities and commitments this week. Your only task is to focus on what truly matters and leave the rest to others. Sometimes we believe it is best for us to do the work ourselves as we know the job will be done right, but this can result in stress that can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. This is a lesson in delegation and trust. Ask for and accept help from others and/or delegate or outsource tasks you’re not good at or don’t want to do so you can preserve your energy for the priorities. Life is meant to be joyful, not a struggle. Lighten your load without guilt or remorse. In the end, you are only responsible for you, you don’t have to carry the load for others, they are on their own journey. Lay down your burdens and do something fun to lighten your energy. It’s time to regain your spark. Enough is enough.

Aquarius (Page of Swords)
Your curiosity for life is at a peak this week, and you may be inclined to research an area of knowledge or commence a period of study. It is a week of learning, questioning and understanding the world around you. Connecting with others on an intellectual level will be highly stimulating this week too. There may be delays or changes to plans but be open to the idea that it may be the universe nudging you toward something better, or giving you time to refine plans to make them better. You may receive a Divine download this week that turns out to be a brilliant solution to a problem you’ve been mulling over. Avoid gossip this week, it lowers your vibration. Gathering information to try to make sense of a situation is your best approach this week rather than making assumptions or drawing erroneous conclusions without evidence. A Gemini, Libra or Aquarius may be significant to you this week.

Pisces (The High Priestess)
It is important to pay attention to your intuition this week. Those nudges, gut feelings and whispers are powerful psychic insights. Your feelings will be the conduit of the most reliable information. If you get a gentle feeling or knowingness about a situation or person trust it completely. You have the ability to see what others cannot, beyond the veil, and you can take great comfort in knowing that your intuitive feelings are your truth, regardless of what you may be experiencing in your 3D reality.  Take comfort in your higher knowing. Your intuitive power is your best friend this week, it knows the truth. The High Priestess sees all, but knows it is sometimes best to keep quiet and allow the truth to become evident in time, especially with people who are uncomfortable admitting the truth.

Soul Scopes 11-17 March 2024