These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (The Moon)
There is more going on in a situation than you may be aware. Things are not clear so you will need to gather more information and process it through an intuitive lens to gain clarity. Decisions made in haste without having all the facts will only create further problems. Look beneath surface behaviour to the true source.  are also invited to sit with your light and shadow this week too. We all have both aspects and this is what makes us human! If you are going deeper into shadow work, invoke Archangel Haniel to help you to process emotions and past life wounds which may be contributing to your current experience. What you are scared of the most is actually where your greatest power lies. Be comfortable in the grey this week, trusting in the power of your emotional body to show you the truth and look to the Moon cycle for timing.

Taurus (The Fool)
This is the week to believe in yourself and take the leap your heart is calling you to make. You are on the precipice of something truly amazing, an adventure that you have always dreamed of but may have been resisting. You know this journey will have its ups and downs, but you must have faith that you will learn and grow through this process in ways that will surprise and delight you. All you need to do is take the first step. Listen to your heart and you will know which step to take and when to take it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, your intuitive stirrings are completely trustworthy. The next step will be revealed at the perfect time. Enjoy the sacred journey confident in the knowledge that the universe always has your back. It is your time to truly live. Take the leap. What are you waiting for?!

Gemini (Two of Swords)
There may be an issue that you are unwilling to face this week or a decision you need to make but are caught up in your head about it. You hold the key to your mental clarity. The answers will come not from logical analysis or talking to others rather your inner guidance. Have faith that your psychic knowing is your best guide in this situation. It knows the truth. Don’t worry about how others might react, all that matters is that you live in integrity and communicate your truth in an authentic way. Once you reach this place of being at peace with your truth, you know that any decisions about your life are true and right for you and anyone else involved.

Cancer (Seven of Pentacles)
This is a week of review and evaluation about where you will invest your time, energy and resources going forward. Will you keep doing the same things, or hanging around the same people or do some changes need to be made so you can feel like your investment will grow? If you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for with a goal or project, it’s time to adjust and use the wisdom of your experience to guide you toward where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Don’t wait for an epiphany. Concrete, practical plans and action steps are needed now to regain momentum. You know what to do, you’ve already built the foundation, it’s just the direction it heads now will be slightly different, but even more rewarding and abundant. Trust yourself.

Leo (Four of Cups)
You may feel that you are missing out on something or wanting more from your life. Emotions play an important role in our sense of well-being and you can turn victimhood into empowerment by flooding your heart with grateful thoughts and honouring your feelings this week. Focus on the wonderful life you have rather than what you think you don’t have. If you want more, that’s great, start from a point of being happy with where you are and be grateful for every person and experience that has shaped you. Disappointment is simply a sign that the universe is guiding you toward something more fulfilling. It is time to turn your attention to those possibilities and connect to the hope that flickers, like a flame, within you.

Virgo (Queen of Pentacles)
This week you are rich with abundant energy and surrounded by people and beautiful environments which amplify this. Making the effort to enjoy time with other people, either at work or home, will be a pleasure for you. You may also be inspired to beautify your surroundings too. You are resourceful with money and confident in your leadership abilities. Practical advice you provide to others this week also applies to you! Your ability to manifest this week is strong too, through practical action steps. Do something nurturing and pampering for yourself this week. Time in nature may also be needed to re-energise your body. Someone generous, practical and mature may be significant to you this week – a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. A great week to listen to and honour your body. It holds your mind and spirit after all!

Libra (The High Priestess)
It is important to pay attention to your intuition this week as you will receive powerful psychic insights. Take the time to consider your feelings about situations and people and allow your intuitive senses to guide you in all circumstances – if it feels right, trust it. Ask for guidance from Archangel Haniel to assist you in reaching an intuitive decision about a course of action and have full trust that you will always be guided to what you need at the right time. Your passed loved ones are close to you at this time and you may receive visitation through meditation or dreams this week to let you know they are close, through familiar feelings or scents. Reflection and meditation are essential to re-set your internal compass and connect with your psychic self this week. You can completely trust the Divine messages you receive when you create sacred space for connection to universal truth. Intuition trumps logic this week, especially when quick decisions are needed.

Scorpio (Five of Cups)
Regret can keep you in an emotional holding pattern. You can wallow for a time, as it is important to acknowledge how you are feeling about a situation or person, but ultimately it is unhealthy to hang on to those feelings as they keep you tied to the past, which you cannot take back. Everything happens for your highest good and you did what you believed was the best for you under the circumstances. Being human isn’t easy sometimes, but our most painful experiences are designed to propel us further into being the best version of ourselves. In time you will see why this had to happen. Until then, focus on what you would do differently next time and/or, if it feels right, reach out and make amends.

Sagittarius (Queen of Wands)
This is your card, Sag. You ARE the Queen of Wands!! Being your true, authentic, fiery, sexual, kick-ass self is mandatory this week. Express your passion, creativity and boldness, without caring how others perceive you. Leave doubt and insecurity behind. Success this week comes through following your instincts and having supreme confidence in your capabilities. Others will find your enthusiasm irresistible and will want to spend time in your energy. Your creativity is amplified this week, so immerse yourself in those activities that ignite your desire. You can accomplish anything this week. Allow your creative fire to rejuvenate your soul.

Capricorn (Eight of Cups)
This week, seek out the company of people that nourish you emotionally and spiritually. There is a need to move on from situations that no longer uplift you and now is the time to secure a new emotional future. Your feelings are serving you well in helping you decide what is right for you. When you walk away from people who are selfish and don’t support you, you set a standard for the types of people you attract into your life. Share more of your emotional side with people you trust. This could be challenging, but well worth the investment in your emotional health and relationships. A change in your job or relationships is also possible this week. It’s not that you’re running away from something, rather moving toward something better for your soul. It’s time to release  people or situations you have outgrown. Be true to your feelings.

Aquarius (Four of Pentacles)
You may be feeling very protective of your energy this week. Too much energy output has left you feeling depleted emotionally and physically. You’ll need to be very discerning about where to invest your time, energy, resources and love this week in order to regain your strength. No amount of giving to some people will ever see a return on your investment, so there is a decision to make about how much longer you will continue and to what extent. You may need to withdraw your investment, in whole or part, and reinvest elsewhere. Relationships that have an organic, equal exchange of energy are where you need to invest right now, until others can show you the level of respect and honour you in the way you deserve. This is about setting your value and not wavering. Those who are meant to be with you will find a way when they are ready to drop their guard and feel safe enough to connect with you. Listen and let down your guard too.

Pisces (King of Wands)
This week you are being called to display visionary leadership and inspire others to creative solutions. You have the energy, drive and experience to accomplish your mission! Fire up your entrepreneurial spirit and get your creative offerings out into the world. Focusing on the big picture will carry you through any minor hurdles this week. Remain optimistic and open to different avenues to create the momentum needed to drive forward. This is not the week to take no for an answer. In fact, you’re more likely to be the one saying no to anyone who blocks your path! Someone warm, generous, passionate and driven may be prominent in your life this week. Go after what you want!

Love Marion xxx

Soul Scopes 11-17 April 2022