These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (King of Cups)
You hold a lot of love for people and you feel things very deeply, but it may not be easy for you to express your emotions. Your emotions may overwhelm you this week, so it’s important to have strategies in place to manage them so they aren’t trapped in your body causing blockages and imbalance. Emotional mastery is the balance between holding back on expressing your feelings and being totally overwhelmed by them. Emotions need to flow, so however you need to make this happen is your priority this week. This could be expressing your care for someone or letting someone know how their words or actions hurt you. Allow emotions to flow through you, don’t stuff them down or allow them to drown you into dysfunction. It’s important to honour your emotions as they arise and give enough time and space to analyse, process and release them to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Taurus (The Chariot)
Ready, set, go! Focus on the outcome you want to achieve this week then allow the universe to lead you there. There is much to achieve on the work and home fronts and at times it will feel easy, while at other times you will need sheer willpower and determination just to complete simple tasks. Whatever distractions come your way this week, focus on forward motion allowing Divine guidance to direct your course. It is important to strike balance with your emotions this week too, by using them to guide your actions and not allowing the drama of others to take you off course. Take charge of your life and allow your intuition to guide your course, no matter what others may be advising. You know yourself and what is right for you better than anyone.

Gemini (The Hermit)
Take time out this week to tend to your inner world, find your still centre, and listen to your inner voice. It is guiding you through a period of uncertainty and confusion. Your inner guide lights the way this week and you may receive guidance on how you can best be of service to others and align with your higher purpose. Your wisdom also lights the path for others this week and you may be called upon to provide spiritual direction for someone. Your mind, body, spirit connection is strong this week. It is all within you, there is no need to look externally for validation. Calm your mind and connect to the messages your soul and body are communicating. Your inner light is guiding the way. The force is strong in you this week, allow it to light your way!

Cancer (Five of Cups)
You may be feeling sadness and regret this week, Cancer. It is important to acknowledge your emotions, but ultimately it is unhealthy to hang on to them as they keep you anchored in the past. Whatever is bothering you, just remember that everything happens for your highest good and you did what you believed was the best for you under the circumstances at the time. Being human isn’t easy at times, but our most painful experiences are designed to propel us further into being the best version of ourselves. In time you will see why this situation turned out the way it did. Healing comes from accepting your part in it and knowing that you can do things differently next time. Forgive yourself and focus on amplifying the love that remains in your heart.

Leo (Knight of Wands)
You are full of motivation and will have the energy to accomplish a significant task this week, especially if it involves a passion project, cause or mission. Apply wisdom to ensure your energy is directed in a focused manner so you can achieve the results you are seeking. You’ve set your intention and now is the time to take bold, excited action toward what you desire. You can feel this energy building within you and you know it’s right for you to do something that lifts your life to a new level. Momentum is everything and it’s all up to you now, there is no need to hold back, go for it! Someone passionate, adventurous and fearless may be significant to you this week, could be an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. They light your fire and lift your soul with positive energy. Blaze a new trail in your life and allow yourself to have fun doing it!

Virgo (Knight of Pentacles)
Slow and steady wins the race this week. Make detailed plans and stick to them so you can land those ideas into physical reality! A deliberate, measured pace and due diligence is required this week, but mostly it’s about doing things in your own time. Take things one step at a time in an orderly manner, according to your plan and your energy. Our dreams don’t grow unless we attend to them in practical ways by taking the actions we know we are guided to take. This is the key to manifestation. You are planting the seeds now and the seasons must unfold as they need to, in divine order, before you will see the fruit. Allow situations and relationships enough space to grow and bloom. Someone who is dependable, practical and committed may be significant this week – a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn or someone with these signs strongly placed in their chart. You can trust this person implicitly. Your guides are close and helping you get started with a long term commitment or project.

Libra (The Star)
This week you are feeling more positive and hopeful about the future. Your experiences over the recent past have shown that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You can relax now and have full trust in the universe’s plan knowing that challenges are behind you and you are now in a period of integration, healing and soul growth. The cosmos is calling you to a greater level of authentic expression. You are now ready to embrace more of your own soul’s light now. You are optimistic about where you are heading and have support from the cosmos to make long-term plans in the pursuit of your true path. Allow inspiration to flow through you and Divine messages to guide you. Surrender to universal power, there is no need to control. Trust, faith and belief in your self will ensure success. Self-acceptance is your super power this week, and that star you’ve made a wish upon is now winking back at you. The cosmos is preparing to bring you a gift you have been wishing on. How it arrives will delight you!

Scorpio (The Wheel of Fortune)
Something in your life which was stagnant or dormant is about to turn around one hundred and eighty degrees! Energetic blocks are lifted this week and things move forward with fresh energy and momentum. Focus your thoughts and feelings on the outcome you desire and be prepared to flow with whichever direction you are taken by Divine guidance. This is a period of expansion, opportunities and advancement as you switch your mind to optimistic expectation, confident in the knowledge that everything will work well for you once your energy is directed towards providence and Divine timing. If a situation has been challenging, you’ll be able to appreciate the positive effect it had on your life and put those lessons into practice with future experiences. Good luck is also indicated when you have faith that everything is always working out for your highest good. Say it over and over until you believe it!

Sagittarius (Justice)
You have the opportunity to bring balance to a significant situation in your life. This week you will come to understand the power of cause and effect. Are you living in cause (accepting responsibility for your life) or effect (victimhood)? You may believe you have been wronged or treated unfairly, but there is another side of the story too. The truth is the balancing factor between the two and you will know what the fairest outcome is when you consult your head and heart. Ultimately, taking the noble, middle path is the fairest outcome in this situation. When you say and do the right thing you can be assured that everything will be resolved to everyone’s highest good, especially yours. You know the spiritual truth of this situation. Someone may come back into your life this week to make things right.

Capricorn (Queen of Cups)
A strong empathic energy flows from you this week. Your feelings are super-sensitive and you have can read others’ feelings like a book. Caring for others is also highlighted this week as your emotional cup is overflowing! Your kindness. patience and compassion, even under trying circumstances, is your super power. Family and your close, inner circle are paramount to your emotional wellbeing as they truly accept you as you are and provide unconditional love. Trusting your intuition, about people and situations, provides you with the confidence to speak from your heart and the courage to do the right thing in all circumstances. Your relationships develop to a new level of understanding, based on words and actions which emanate from a pure heart space. Tell people what they mean to you. If you have been wondering about a potential relationship or romance, this message confirms that this person sees you as their Queen of Cups!

Aquarius (Four of Wands)
The energy of celebration surrounds you this week. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. You have attracted these experiences into your life, so keep operating in this slip stream of trusting your higher self and co-creating your life with the universe. You may be seeing 111 or 11:11, this is the universe reminding you of your spiritual power and ability to create every experience you desire through your inner world, which becomes your outer world reality. Make this your dedicated practice going forward and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future.

Pisces (Four of Cups)
You may feel disillusioned with a situation that didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. That’s ok, you need to process it, but now it’s time to move on. The universe has a higher plan and you’re only feeling down because you didn’t trust in the higher plan and attached your mind and heart to a particular outcome. If you want more for your life, that’s great, start from a point of being happy with where you are and grateful for every person and experience that has shaped you. Disappointment is the universe’s way of guiding you toward something more fulfilling. It is time to turn your attention to those possibilities and connect to the hope that flickers, like a flame, within you.

Soul Scopes 10-16 April 2023