These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (The High Priestess)
It is important to pay attention to your intuition this week as you will receive powerful psychic insights. Your feelings will be the conduit of the most reliable information this week. If you get a gentle feeling or knowingness about a situation or person trust it completely. Your passed loved ones are also close to you at this time and you may receive visitations through meditation or dreams this week to let you know they are close. Quiet reflection and meditation are essential to nourish your inner wisdom so can completely trust the Divine messages you receive. Your intuition proves to be right this week, don’t question, simply trust.

Taurus (Six of Wands)
This week the cosmos is nudging you to become familiar with self-praise. There are things you have achieved that you should rightly be proud of. You did it! Reward yourself. Acknowledgement and recognition from others are coming this week too. A sense of victory is in the air as you achieved something you thought you wouldn’t. This is all about swimming in the energy of deservingness. You are more capable than you realise and now you have reached this milestone you can continue to the next one with confidence. When you value and celebrate your contribution and the milestones along the way, you attract even more victorious experiences into your life!

Gemini (Death)
This is a big week emotionally and psychologically for you. It is time to face up to the uncomfortable feelings that a person or situation is triggering within you. To go into your soul and transform pain into power by allowing something that is no longer serving you to die. Letting go can be challenging, so you will need to practice extreme self-care to ensure you can process and release. Seek professional, holistic help in these situations so you can submit to the healing process. You will be taken out of your comfort zone and it is best not to fight it because on the other side of short term discomfort is the inner peace you have been seeking. Endings are painful, but necessary for spiritual and personal growth.

Cancer (Three of Swords)
If you have been holding on to a painful situation it is now time to release it to the past, with love. Let go of the energy of heartbreak, sadness and grief in whatever way feels right for you. It is time to process these emotions so you can embrace a positive, new direction of hope in your heart. It is important to forgive yourself for your role in all situations where you acted out of guilt, shame, regret or fear. Now is the time to release it from every cell in your body. Releasing past pain, hurt and trauma is intense so be gentle with yourself as you do this. Give yourself time to process and energetically cleanse with a deep knowing that you are creating a container in which to receive more joyful experiences in your life. It is time to leave this pain behind once and for all, knowing that you loved deeply and can go forward with an open heart.

Leo (Temperance)
Balance on a macro level is needed this week. That is, tempering the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. Whichever one you feel requires additional focus this week needs to take priority in order re-connect and re-align you to your sacred centre. Self-control and strategic patience are the best qualities you can practice this week. Compromise brings healing and fosters a spirit of unity and cooperation in relationships this week. Giving some ground on a matter may just be the breakthrough that is needed to ease a difficult situation. Remain flexible but understand that keeping the peace at all costs creates imbalance. Sometimes conflict is necessary to restore harmony. Do whatever you can to rein in any extreme behaviour. Moderation is your key to flowing with the cosmos this week.

Virgo (The Empress)
The rich, abundant energy of The Empress is with you this week. Get ready for a week of sensuality, feeling good in your body and delighting in the pleasure of all your senses. Settle into your feminine energy of flow, receiving, accepting and allowing, rather than driving, chasing or forcing. Allow your creativity to shine through this week, you are in the ideal environment to birth something new into your reality. Creativity exists in many different forms so whatever creative activity brings you joy must be prioritised this week. It will activate your sacral chakra, bringing a sense of fun and play into your life which boosts your health and relationships. Let go of inhibitions and have fun, it’ll work wonders for your soul.

Libra (Six of Swords)
You are seeking peace of mind this week, a balanced state of mental energy. This could come through healing limiting beliefs or perhaps you’ve dropped the ball on you meditation routine and you want to pick it up again. Or, you could simply decide to move on from a situation that caused worry or confusion. You are laying down your sword of anxiety and hyper-vigilance now and trusting that all is well. You may wish to detox yourself from all forms of mainstream and social media to give your mind a break from the matrix. This creates space for you to commune with your higher mind, the part of you that connects with the intelligence of the universe to gain deeper understanding and meaning for your life.

Scorpio (The World)
You are at a time in your life where a new cycle is beginning! You have learned the lessons and cleared karma and are now embarking on this next cycle on a new level of spiritual awakening. You can start this new cycle with complete faith in your ability to handle any challenges and trust in the Divine Plan for your life. You know yourself on a deeper level and understand your unique place in the world better than ever. The universe will surprise you in the most delightful way when you take action to align with your highest purpose, led by soul whispers. You may be called into a new level of spiritual service at this time to activate more of your Divine gifts and deepen the ones you already have. You are held in cosmic love, wisdom, truth and power.

Sagittarius (The Fool)
This is the week to believe in yourself and take the leap your heart is calling you to make. You have raised your vibration and are on the precipice of something truly amazing, an adventure of which you have always dreamed. You know this journey will have its ups and downs, but you must have faith that you will learn and grow through this process in ways that will surprise and delight you. All you need to do is take the first step. Listen to your heart and you will know which step to take and when to take it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, your intuitive stirrings are completely trustworthy. The next step will be revealed at the perfect time. Enjoy the sacred journey confident in the knowledge that the universe always has your back. It is your time to truly live. Take the leap. What are you waiting for?!

Capricorn (The Chariot)
Ready, set, go! Focus on the outcome you want to achieve this week then allow the universe to lead you there. There is much to achieve on the work and home fronts and at times it will feel easy, while at other times you will need sheer willpower and determination just to complete simple tasks. Whatever distractions come your way this week, focus on forward motion allowing Divine guidance to direct your course. It is important to strike balance with your emotions this week too, by using them to guide your actions and not allowing the drama of others to take you off course. Take charge of your life and allow your intuition to guide your course, no matter what others may be advising. You know yourself and what is right for you better than anyone.

Aquarius (Seven of Pentacles)
This is a week of review and evaluation about where you will invest your time, energy and resources going forward. Will you keep doing the same things, or hanging around the same people or do some changes need to be made so you can feel like your investment will grow in the way you want? If you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for with a goal or project, it’s time to adjust and use the wisdom of your experience to guide you toward where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Don’t wait for an epiphany. Concrete, practical plans and action steps are needed now to regain momentum. You know what to do, you’ve already built the foundation, it’s just the direction it heads now will be slightly different, but even more rewarding and abundant. Trust yourself to know the right timing to move forward again with something.

Pisces (Four of Cups)
You may feel disillusioned that something didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. Instead of wallowing in this emotion, focus on the wonderful life you have rather than what you think you don’t have. The universe has a higher plan and you’re only feeling down because you didn’t trust in the higher plan and attached your mind and heart to a particular outcome. If you want more for your life, that’s great, start from a point of being happy with where you are and grateful for every person and experience that has shaped you. Disappointment is the universe’s way of guiding you toward something more fulfilling. It is time to turn your attention to those possibilities and connect to the hope that flickers, like a flame, within you.

Wishing you all a very blessed week ahead!

Love Marion xxx

Soul Scopes 1-7 August 2022