These Soul Scopes are created through a fusion of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and intuitive guidance with the intention to provide clarity, comfort, inspiration and healing to every person who reads messages for their Sun, Moon and/or  Ascendant (Rising) sign.


Aries (The Fool)
It is time to believe in yourself and take the leap your heart is calling you to make. You have raised your vibration and are on the precipice of something truly amazing, an adventure of which you have always dreamed. You know this journey will have its ups and downs, but you must have faith that you will learn and grow through this process in ways that will surprise and delight you. All you need to do is take the first step. Listen to your heart and you will know which step to take and when to take it. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, the timing is right now. Enjoy this next part of your sacred journey confident in the knowledge that the universe always has your back. It is your time to truly live and say yes to something that is calling you to explore new horizons! The solar eclipse in your sign on the 8th will give you the confidence and courage to boldly move into this new energy.

Taurus (Eight of Cups)
This card represents the energy of Saturn in Pisces. Saturn represents structure and long-term stability, it can also give us a big dose of reality. Pisces is the energy of the unseen realms, dreams and fantasy. It is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling emotionally unfulfilled and start to feel into what will be your happiness going forward. There is a need to move on from a situation that once kept you fulfilled, but the reality is, it is no longer what you had hoped. Allow yourself to feel into your future and what would bring you the emotional stability and connection you are seeking. Move toward it with a lighter, hopeful heart. Your fulfilment awaits!

Gemini (Six of Swords)
Something you have been worrying about shifts to a feeling of peace this week. All it takes is a decision to surrender what you cannot control. The situation will not be resolved in your mind through continual worry and over-thinking. Lay down your sword of anxiety and hyper-vigilance now and trust that all is well. You may wish to detox yourself from all forms of mainstream and social media to give your mind a break from the matrix this week. This creates space for you to commune with your higher mind, the part of you that connects with the intelligence of the universe to gain deeper understanding and meaning for your life. Something you have been ruminating over is resolved this week and you can finally put it to rest. Let peace reign.

Cancer (The Emperor)
You are being called to step up and be the authority of your own life. Divine will is calling you to make things happen in your world and blaze new trails. Logic, structure and planning are your super powers this week. When you figure out what you want things will fall into place. Seems simple, right? Sometimes we know what we don’t want, but it can be difficult to figure out what we actually do want for ourselves. All of your wisdom and life experience have brought you to this point and the time is now to execute your strategy. Do everything in your power to create the outcome you desire, but make sure you do it with integrity and fairness. You are the architect of your life and the time is now to take charge and direct it to where you want to go. Everything aligns when you decide what you want. So, what do you truly want for your life, Cancer?

Leo (Knight of Swords)
This week plans take off quickly and you are fuelled by intellectual pursuits and direct communication. You have the ability to think on your feet and make confident decisions which will come in handy as an unexpected situation may arise this week. Don’t be pressured into an impulsive decision, gather as much information as you can in the time you have and use your rational brain to make your choice. Look after your mental state this week by feeding your mind with words of kindness and inspiration. Then, start to believe they are true. If there’s something you have been meaning to say to someone, this is the ideal week to do it! Someone strong minded, witty and educated may reach out to communicate their truth with you this week. A Gemini, Libra or Aquarius could also be significant to you.

Virgo (The Lovers)
Relationships and deep soul connections are significant this week. An electric meeting of hearts and minds will light up all your chakras. It could very well be a deep soul connection. If you are already in a relationship, this week the energy is auspicious to connect on a deeper level with your beloved, to bare your soul and let them see who you are. For singles, this is the perfect week to manifest your soul mate – write down how you want to feel in the partnership of your dreams then let it go to create a void which the universe will fill at the perfect time in a way that will blow your mind. If you are in separation from your person, you can interact with them in the 5D and reassure them of your unconditional love. Many twin flames are approaching inner union of their Divine feminine and masculine at this time. Embrace the power and transformative healing energy of unconditional love. The universe puts people on our path to help us learn and grow our consciousness through love.

Libra (King of Cups)
The same card popped up for you again this week, Libra. The King of Cups represents emotional mastery, and the fact that you’ve had it two weeks in a row suggests you are in a period of tapping into your emotional power. You hold a lot of love for people and you feel things very deeply, but it may not be easy for you to express or process your feelings. Your emotions may overwhelm you this week, so it’s important to have strategies in place to manage them so they aren’t trapped in your body causing blockages and imbalance. Emotional mastery is the balance between holding back on expressing your feelings and being totally overwhelmed by them. Emotions need to flow, so however you need to make this happen is your priority this week. This could be expressing your care for someone or letting someone know how their words or actions hurt you. Allow emotions to flow through you rather than stuffing them down. This is the approach you can embrace this week to get different results in your life. Connect with others through their love language, this will deepen your interactions and create a safe space for emotional intimacy.

Scorpio (Ace of Swords)
Truth and clarity are key themes for you this week and will help you to make decisions. Take notice of those messages that come to you as internal voices or inner-knowings as these are epiphanies which provide clarity on a way forward. Act on these ideas faster than the speed of disbelief so your mind can’t talk you out of it. The key here is to stop over-thinking potential outcomes and instead focus your mind on the present. Adjust your course based on current experiences, not old thought patterns. If you believe you should take a new direction or approach to something, trust that insight and move forward to develop the idea further. Clear communication is also essential and it may be time for an honest, mature conversation with someone if it is safe to do so. A person may make contact to communicate their truth. Hear them out, it will be a healing experience for you both.

Sagittarius (The World)
You have reached the point in your life where an old cycle is closing out and a new one is emerging! You have learned the lessons and cleared karma and are now embarking on this next cycle on a new level of spiritual awakening. You can start this new cycle with complete faith in your ability to handle any challenges and trust in the Divine Plan for your life. You know yourself on a deeper level and understand your unique place in the world better than ever. The universe will surprise you in the most delightful way when you take action to align with your highest purpose, led by soul whispers. You may be called into a new level of spiritual service at this time to activate more of your Divine gifts and deepen the ones you already have. You are held in cosmic love, wisdom, truth and power as you transition to a new way of being.

Capricorn (Eight of Pentacles)
Your work or occupation is in the spotlight this week and you are being asked to  stretch beyond your current comfort zone to build and hone your skills and talents even further. You may even be called to align your work to a higher calling, so if you have a side hustle, additional work may be needed to monetise it and get it set up to run as a professional endeavour.   Your thirst for knowledge is strong this week and you may expand your mind through self-directed study or a formal qualification. This will provide you with the credibility and confidence to pursue a career you love, which can also sustain you for the long term. Your value is on the rise now a job offer may come your way from an unexpected source. Continue to develop  your capabilities and embrace a mindset of life-long learning and mastery. Knowledge becomes wisdom through dedicated, consistent practice, and it will enhance your ability to be of service in a way that lights you up.

Aquarius (The Hierophant)
Your spiritual awareness and wisdom is elevating to a new level now and you are opening to higher guidance from the Divine. It is time now to draw on this spiritual energy and infuse it into your daily life. Align your energy and interests with your spiritual beliefs as this is where your life takes on deeper meaning,  keeps you on path and provides a greater feeling of peace. This is a great week to honour traditions and ancestors for the groundwork they have laid for your life. A relationship may reach a new level of commitment this week too, based on Divine intervention. It is a connection orchestrated by the universe. Have faith in your faith, whatever it may be, and know that while some of your human experiences may be painful, the soul celebrates every opportunity to grow and evolve. There is something spiritual in the every day. Honouring this is an important part of our spiritual development.

Pisces (Four of Wands)
This is a time of celebration as your life is elevating to a new level of connection with people in your soul tribe. This is also a sign of a major rite of passage or significant personal achievement. The spiritual guidance you have followed as a result of listening to your inner wisdom is the foundation of all you are rejoicing and celebrating at this time. Keep your vibe high and expect to attract more wonderful experiences to you in the delightful way only the universe can provide. A solid foundation in relationships is established this week too, bringing a feeling of stability and security for the future. You may even magnetise that special person right now, and it could be a deep soul connection with someone with whom you can journey through life.

Soul Scopes 1-7 April 2024